Page 14 - MEOG Week 04 2021
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

                                                                                to a violation of international navigation
                                                                                  Iran’s Foreign Ministry Saeed Khatibzadeh
                                                                                said at his daily press conference that Tehran
                                                                                has asked Jakarta for the reasoning behind
                                                                                the seizure of the vessels. He added that the
                                                                                seizures were over a “a technical issue and it
                                                                                happened in a shipping field”.
                                                                                  “Our Ports Organisation and the ship
                                                                                owner company are looking to find the cause
                                                                                of the issue and to resolve it,” Khatibzadeh
                                                                                told a televised weekly news conference.
       the dollar is set at 1,450 dinars. Iraq’s Central   primarily through a combination of raising   Indonesian Coast Guard spokesman
       Bank announced on December 19 that it   domestic and external indebtedness, to   Wisnu Pramandita said the tankers, seized
       would sell the dinar to the country’s finance   the extent necessary,” according to a bond   in waters off Kalimantan province, would
       ministry at 1,450 IQD per 1 USD. The public   prospectus seen by Reuters.  be escorted to Batam Island in Riau Island
       can purchase the dollar at 1,470 IQD.  Its fiscal balance programme foresees the   Province for further investigation.
         News of the devaluation enraged public   ratio of public debt to nominal GDP reaching   “The tankers, first detected at 5:30 a.m.
       sector workers, who said their salaries would   up to 30% by 2023, the prospectus said.  local time (2130 GMT on January 23)
       be “worthless” in a country that lacks a   Saudi Arabia hired Goldman Sachs   obscured their identification by not revealing
       developed manufacturing sector and is heavily  International, HSBC and JPMorgan as global   their flags, and turning off automatic
       reliant on imported goods.          coordinators for the debt sale. BNP Paribas,   identification systems (AIS), and did not
       RUDAW                               Citi, NCB Capital and Standard Chartered   respond to a radio calls,” Wisnu said.
                                           joined them as book runners and were also   He added that they were “caught red-
       Saudi raises $5.5bn via             passive joint lead managers.         handed” transferring oil from MT Horse
                                              Last year, Saudi Arabia raised $12 billion
                                                                                to MT Freya and that there was an oil spill
       dual-tranche bonds                  via two international bond sales. Its oil giant   around the receiving tanker.
                                           Aramco raised $8 billion from a five-part
                                                                                  Claiming a chemical pollution incident,
       Saudi Arabia launched $5.5 billion in a dual-  bond sale in November, in part to pay out   Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
       tranche bond sale on Tuesday with tenors of   dividends - the bulk of which goes to the   (IRGC) naval personnel recently seized a
       12 and 40 years, a document showed, as it   Saudi government.            South Korean tanker that was heading from
       seeks to plug a large fiscal deficit.  REUTERS                           Saudi Arabia to its home country. It remains
         The world’s top oil exporter has taken a                               anchored outside Bandar Abbas on Iran’s
       severe blow from the pandemic, which, along   Iran chases up Indonesia   Persian Gulf coast. It is widely believed Tehran
       with an oil price war between Saudi Arabia                               is using the tanker as leverage in negotiations
       and Russia last year, sent oil prices tumbling.  over seized tanker      to obtain funds in South Korean bank
         The kingdom sold the 12-year bonds at 130                              accounts which Seoul insists are frozen by US
       basis points (bps) over 10-year U.S. Treasuries   Iran’s Minister of Oil Bijan Namdar Zanganeh   sanctions.
       and the 40-year notes at 3.45%, the document   on January 24 said his ministry was chasing   Two Indonesian merchant sailors were
       from one of the banks on the deal showed.   up Indonesian authorities that seized an   among the crew aboard the tanker, the MT
       It tightened the 12-year tranche by 35 bps   Iranian tanker, IRNA reported.  Hankuk Chemi. It is not known whether
       and the 40-year by 30 bps from initial price   The Indonesian Coast Guard grabbed both   those sailors remain in Iranian custody.
       guidance.                           an Iranian tanker and a Panamanian-flagged   On January 6, “officers of the Indonesian
         It drew more than $13 billion in orders   tanker, claiming the former was making an   Embassy in Iran visited the ship and its crew.
       for the 12-year bonds and over $9 billion in   illegal ship-to-ship (STS) transfer to the latter   The [Indonesian] crew members were safe”,
       orders for the 40-year paper.       and that the ship-identification transponders   Judha Nugraha, an embassy official, told The
         “The final pricing is in line with the   of the vessels were switched off, Jakarta   Jakarta Post.
       sovereign curve and the high order book   announced earlier in the day.  BNE
       shows robust investor appetite for the region’s   Local reports referred to officials alleging
       debt markets. This is sure to be the first of   gas condensate was being transferred by
       many deals by the kingdom this year,” a fixed-  the Iranian ship, the MT Horse, to the   COMPANIES
       income strategist said.             Panamanian-flagged MT Freya while they
         The government expects to post a fiscal   were illegally anchored in Indonesian   Saudi Aramco may sell
       deficit of 141 billion riyals ($37.59 billion), or   territorial waters.
       4.9% of gross domestic product, this year after   The Horse, which is known to have   more shares if market is
       an expected deficit of 298 billion riyals ($79.45  previously supplied 2mn barrels of gas
       billion), or 12% of GDP, in 2020.   condensate to Venezuela, was believed to be   right
         Saudi Arabia expects public debt to   once again heading in the direction of the
       increase to 937 billion riyals this year from   South American country, officials in Jakarta   Saudi Aramco may consider selling more
       854 billion riyals last year.       said.                                shares if market conditions are right, the head
         “The Government expects to finance   It is believed that both ships had their flags   of Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund told a
       the budgeted deficit for the fiscal year 2021   lowered while making the STS. That amounts   news briefing on Tuesday.

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