Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 34 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       ExxonMobil to start drilling

       operations at Sapote-1 well
       at Guyana’s Canje block

       Westmount Energy notes the announcement
       by the Maritime Administration Department,
       Guyana, dated August 25, 2021, that the Stena
       DrillMAX drillship will commence drilling
       operations at the Sapote-1 wellsite on the Canje
       Block, offshore Guyana, on August 28, 2021.
         Westmount holds an indirect interest in the
       Canje Block as a result of its circa 7.2% inter-
       est in the issued share capital of JHI Associates
       Inc. The Canje Block is currently operated by
       an ExxonMobil subsidiary, Esso Exploration &
       Production Guyana (35%), with TotalEnergies
       E&P Guyana (35%), JHI Associates (BVI) Inc.
       (17.5%) and Mid-Atlantic Oil & Gas Inc. (12.5%)  perforated and produced.  and we believe that issues encountered can be
       as partners.                           The Lower Cruse reservoir units exhibited  addressed, such that the Lower Cruse can ulti-
         Sapote-1 is located in the southeast of the  good pressure and produced high-quality oil  mately contribute meaningfully to production.
       Canje Block, approximately 60 km north of the  (480 API), but testing of these zones was halted  We have preserved the ability to re-enter and
       Campanian and Santonian Maka Central-1  due to the impact of mobile shales on the well  produce the lower zones of Saffron-2 in the
       stacked pay discovery, in a new depositional  bore; these lower zones have been isolated from  future, and we are incorporating the knowledge
       setting linked to the Berbice canyon system.  the currently producing horizons, capable of  gained into the design of future Saffron wells.
       Sapote-1 is an independent multi-layer prospect,  being re-entered for future remedial actions in   “Focus now turns to integrating what we have
       which will evaluate several Upper Cretaceous  support of production.     learned from this well, to updating our resource
       targets, and is potentially the largest prospect   Well data and projection of aggregated well  estimate accordingly, and to defining the best
       drilled on the Canje block to date. Drilling of  performance is being used to reassess overall  way forward for the project as a whole - building
       Sapote-1 is anticipated to take 60 days, with  Saffron field resources and economics, with  production and cashflow remains our overarch-
       results anticipated in late October.  work underway to determine the optimal for-  ing strategic imperative. We will keep sharehold-
         Following a 2018 farm-out to Total and sub-  ward plan for development of the Saffron project  ers appraised of material developments.”
       sequent transactions, JHI is funded for the 2021  as a whole.              Following inspection and formal approval of
       Canje drilling campaign, including the Sapote-1   Eytan Uliel, CEO, commented: “The Saf-  both the well completion and production facil-
       well, and multiple additional wells.  fron-2 appraisal well was successfully drilled and  ities by the Trinidadian Ministry of Energy and
       Westmount Energy, August 26 2021    completed in early July 2021, Challenger Ener-  Energy Industries, production testing of the Saf-
                                           gy’s first operated drilling onshore Trinidad. We  fron-2 well commenced on July 23, 2021.
       Challenger Energy issues            have since perforated various reservoir horizons   The first phase of testing focussed on the
                                           and run production tests. Pleasingly, testing in  Lower Cruse formation, where approximately
       update on Saffron-2                 the Middle Cruse has resulted in an economic  133 feet (40.54 metres) of various Lower Cruse
                                           level of production thus far being achieved, and  sands (at a range of depths below 4,000 feet or
       production test                     we are working to increase production further.  1,220 metres) were perforated and flow tested.
                                           We are already selling the oil being produced, so  Pressures at surface of up to 1,400 psi were
       AIM-listed Challenger Energy, the Caribbean  for the immediate future the plan is to maximise  observed, oil was produced naturally to surface,
       and Atlantic margin focused oil and gas com-  production revenues from those Middle Cruse  and oil samples were collected and analysed (480
       pany, with production, appraisal, development  units, as well as bringing on additional produc-  API). However, the well failed to clean up prop-
       and exploration assets across the region, has  tion from the as yet unperforated Upper Cruse  erly, and sustained production was not able to
       provided an update in relation to ongoing pro-  units, in due course.    achieved due to the continual inflow of mobile
       duction testing of the Saffron-2 appraisal well.  “Production tests have also proved the abil-  non-reservoir formation materials (clay and
         Highlights: A commercial production rate  ity to flow high-quality hydrocarbons from the  shale influx into the wellbore). Subsequently
       (81 bpd) has thus far been established at Saf-  Lower Cruse reservoir at Saffron, but we did not  these zones have been isolated, capable of being
       fron-2, from approximately 66 feet (20.12  achieve sustained production from these zones  re-entered, remediated and produced in the
       metres) of Middle Cruse reservoir units; pro-  due to technical and mechanical issues encoun-  future, as appropriate.
       duced oil is already being sold and generating  tered during those tests. That said, the Saffron   A next phase of production testing focused
       immediate revenues for the Company.  project is in a tectonically active province, so  on the Middle Cruse formation where 66 feet
         To maximise near-term production income  challenges are to be expected, and each well  (20.12 metres) of various Middle Cruse sands (at
       additional clean-up, testing, and optimisation  builds on the learning from the previous wells.  a range of depths below 1,300 feet or 396 metres
       of producing zones is currently underway; the  The key point is we have shown that there are  and above 4,000 feet or 1,220 metres) were per-
       Upper Cruse reservoir units also remain to be  moveable hydrocarbons in the Lower Cruse,  forated and flow tested.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   26•August•2021
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