Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 34 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Operations: An increase of 12% in Group net  production, reduced operating and administra-
       average production to 2,714 boepd (2019: 2,415  tive costs as well as overall debt. I am sincerely
       boepd) Two new wells successfully drilled in  grateful to everyone within the business for their
       Argentina in 2020 on time and budget with  efforts. We have a lot of work to do this year, but
       follow-on drilling targets identified. Significant  we are very much up for it and relishing the
       new infrastructure completed in Argentina  prospects.
       including laying some 20 km of new pipelines   “The energy landscape has changed even
       and installing new compressors. Continued  faster and more dramatically than anticipated.
       improvement in Argentina core operating per-  President, as an energy company focused on
       formance with well operating costs per boe  long term goals, embraces this and shareholders
       in 2020, excluding royalties and workovers,  may have noticed the rapid progress we are mak-
       reduced by 17% to $17.6 per boe (2019: $21.1).  ing with Atome Ltd, the subsidiary we formed
       Group-wide administrative costs per barrel were  earlier this year to focus on hydrogen-related
       further reduced to $4.7 per boe (2019: $4.8 per  opportunities.”
       boe).                               President Energy, August 24 2021
         Production and reserves: Net 2P (proven and
       probable) reserves in Argentina at year end, as
       confirmed by an independent reserves audit,  INVESTMENT
       decreased to 24.3mn boe (2019: 25.9mn boe).                              equivalent to 51.4% of the outstanding shares
       Louisiana 1P proven producing reserves esti-  Petrobras receives payment   of ISA and representing 100% of the MHCP’s
       mated at 724mn boe (2019: 540mn boe).                                    ownership interest in ISA, were satisfactorily
         Peter Levine, Chairman, commented in the   from partners under Búzios   fulfilled.
       Chairman’s Statement: “When I wrote my state-                              The closing of the transaction included: i)
       ment on June 30 last year, I don’t think any of   Co-participation Agreement  the payment by Ecopetrol to the MHCP of the
       us could have imagined that 14 months on we                              agreed price of COP14,236,814,025,000 for all
       would still be battling the impact of COVID-19.  Petrobras has received cash payment of $2.9bn  the Shares at a price of COP 25,000 per share.
       As I said previously, I spent several months ear-  for the obligations of its partners CNODC Brasil  The payment was made in US dollars in an
       lier this year travelling around our operations  Petróleo e Gás (CNODC) and CNOOC Petro-  amount equivalent to $3,672,992,823.94, using
       in South America overseeing our exciting work  leum Brasil (CNOOC) in the Búzios co-partici-  the effective market exchange rate on the trans-
       programme and advancing a material invest-  pation agreement.            action’s closing date of COP3,876.08 per US dol-
       ment in our Paraguay assets. During that time,   With this payment, Petrobras will issue the  lar; and ii) the transfer of the Shares to Ecopetrol
       I saw first-hand the devastation wrought by the  certificate of compliance to the National Agency  as its new owner, through the respective entry
       global pandemic and the significant sacrifices  of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (ANP),  in ISA’s shareholders’ book by the Centralised
       required to keep businesses operational during  aiming to meet the last precedent condition  Securities Depository of Colombia (DECEVAL).
       such difficult times. Having myself been hospi-  required by the agreement, which will be in   The closing of this acquisition represents a
       talised for two weeks, although thankfully now  effect as of September 1, 2021.  milestone in the development of the Ecopetrol
       well on the way to recovery, I remain eternally   From the effective date of the Agreement,  Group’s energy transition strategy, which seeks
       grateful for the skill and dedication shown by the  CNODC and CNOOC have up to 30 calendar  to maximise the life and value of its hydrocar-
       medical professionals in Paraguay and across the  days to express their interest in exercising the  bon portfolio, while progressing in decarboni-
       Globe.                              option to purchase an additional portion, of 5%  sation and diversification towards low-emission
         “As I said at the time, I have never been one  each, in the Production Sharing Contract for the  businesses.
       to sit behind a desk to manage my business and  Suplus of the Transfer of Rights.  Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colombia
       I am willing to put myself in harm’s way for the   Petrobras currently holds 90% of the explo-  and one of the main integrated energy compa-
       benefit of our stakeholders so say none of this to  ration and production rights for the surplus vol-  nies in the American continent, with more than
       gain sympathy. I make these observations so that  ume of the Transfer of Rights of the Búzios field,  17,000 employees. In Colombia, it accounts for
       people might understand the dedication shown  in partnership with CNODC (5%) and CNOOC  more than 60% of hydrocarbon production,
       by our hardworking employees in the face of  (5%).                       and most of the hydrocarbon transportation,
       such adversity. It is this dedication that has led   Petrobras, August 24 2021  logistics, and refining systems, and has leading
       to us delivering all the progress noted in the last                      positions in petrochemicals and gas distribution.
       20 months.                          Ecopetrol closes                     With the acquisition of 51.4% of ISA’s shares, it
         “Day by day, our Company gets stronger                                 participates in energy transmission, manage-
       although always subject to intermittent variables   acquisition of 51.4%   ment of real-time systems (XM) and the Con-
       which do throw stones in our path to deflect us.                         cesión Costera Barranquilla-Cartagena. At the
       We do all we can to grow President organically   majority stake in ISA   international level, Ecopetrol focuses on strate-
       and by strategic initiative. I am confident that                         gic basins on the American continent, with E&P
       2021 will be seen by its end as a year of progress  Ecopetrol informs that on August 20, 2021,  operations in the United States (the Permian
       with the Paraguay farmout, new drilling in Salta  the closing conditions set forth in the Inter-ad-  basin and the Gulf of Mexico), Brazil and Mex-
       and the spin off and float of Atome all set to be  ministrative Contract, dated August 11, 2021,  ico, and through ISA and its subsidiaries it has
       completed by year-end.              between Ecopetrol and the Colombian Ministry  leading positions in the transmission business in
         “We successfully controlled what we could,  of Finance and Public Credit (MHCP) relating  Brazil, Chile, Peru and Bolivia, in road conces-
       and  the  key  performance  metrics  through  to the acquisition by Ecopetrol of 569,472,561  sions in Chile and in telecommunications.
       2020 bear witness to this: increased average  shares of Interconexión Eléctrica SA ESP (ISA),   Ecopetrol, August 20 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 34   26•August•2021
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