Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 34 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The well continues to clean-up, but thus far  2,200 metres. The Carioca FPSO, a unit char-  price to less than $20 per barrel, the Company
       oil production of approximately 81 bpd been  tered from Modec, has the capacity to process  still delivered solid progress and operational
       observed (200 API), with produced oil being  up to 180,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil and to  profitability, with adjusted EBITDA of almost
       gathered and sold. The Company expects to  compress up to 6mn cubic metres of natural gas.  $2.1mn on turnover of approximately $28mn.
       be able to increase that production further by   The project foresees the interconnection of  This demonstrates the continued strength of the
       optimising the production parameters as flow  seven producing wells and four injection wells  Group and resilience in navigating through the
       rates become better understood, as well as by  to the FPSO. The oil production will be flown out  perfect storm of COVID-19 and its tsunami of
       producing from a further 11 feet (3.353 metres)  by off-loading vessels, while the gas production  economically challenging waves which envel-
       of reservoir as yet unperforated in the Upper  will be drained through the pre-salt gas pipeline  oped the whole of the World.
       Cruse, to add to the production mix in due  routes. The project also has a system to remove   The Company’s Annual Report will be posted
       course. Production volumes from this horizon  CO2 from the gas produced and to reinject it  to shareholders by the end of August.
       deliver immediate income and cashflow to the  into the reservoir, reducing the release of carbon   Highlights FY2020, Financial: Group reve-
       Company, and represent a material uplift in the  dioxide into the atmosphere and improving its  nue to December 31, 2020, of $27.8mn (2019:
       Company’s overall net production (currently  oil recovery.               $40.8mn) largely due to significantly lower aver-
       ranging between 400 to 500 bpd, inclusive of   The Sépia shared reservoir is composed by  age realised commodity prices, with a reduction
       Saffron-2). As such, the plan for the foreseeable  Sépia and Sépia Leste fields, located in the Trans-  of 40% in Argentina to $30.0 per boe (2019:
       future is to continue to run maximum produc-  fer of Rights and Concession (BM-S-24) areas,  $49.9 per boe) and 34% in the US to $29.9 (2019:
       tion at Saffron-2 from the currently producing  respectively, operated by Petrobras (97.6%), in  $45.5 per boe).
       Middle Cruse reservoir units.       partnership with Petrogal Brasil (2.4%).  Free cash generation from core operations
         In aggregate, therefore, the  Saffron-2   Petrobras, August 23 2021    (excluding workovers) $6.2mn (2019: $15.1mn).
       appraisal well has demonstrated the ability to                           Net cash generated by operating activities
       drill and produce at the Saffron project on an                           $4.4mn (2019: $21.5mn). Adjusted EBITDA
       economic basis – albeit that aggregate well pro-  SERVICES               remained positive in the face of unprecedented
       duction rate at this time, without the benefit of                        adversity at $2.1mn (2019: $11.6mn). Borrow-
       Lower Cruse production, is below that targeted   DOF Subsea wins contracts   ings at year end significantly reduced year on
       pre-drill. Importantly, however, high-quality                            year by 22% to $17.6million (2019: $22.6mn).
       oil has been produced to surface naturally from   for Skandi Vitoria, Skandi   Of this, only $6.5mn is third-party financial
       the Lower Cruse at Saffron, thereby proving                              debt with the balance being to IYA, an affiliate
       the presence of mobile hydrocarbons in those   Niteroi from Petrobras    company of Peter Levine. After depreciation,
       zones. The Company considers that techniques                             depletion and amortisation of $10.3mn (2019:
       identified for remediation of the technical and  DOF Subsea is pleased to inform that Petro-  $10.5mn), reflecting the challenging trading
       mechanical issues experienced in the Lower  bras has awarded the pipelay support vessels  conditions, a loss after tax for the year arose of
       Cruse (due to the impact of non-reservoir clay  (PLSVs) Skandi Vitória and Skandi Niteroi a 3  $11.3mn (2019 loss: $88.3mn).
       and shales) will enable these zones to ultimately  years firm plus option contract for each vessel,   Corporate: Trafigura, one of the largest com-
       contribute to production as part of any overall  via JV partner TechnipFMC and via Norskan  modity traders in the world and a major off-taker
       Saffron development.                Offshore Ltda (a fully owned DOF ASA Com-  of President, became a circa 16% shareholder.
         Over the coming months, in addition to con-  pany) respectively.       Atome created as a UK intermediate holding
       tinuing clean-up operations, perforating and   Both vessels are Brazilian-built and flagged  company focusing on developing a hydrogen
       production testing of additional zones, and fur-  and owned by DOFCON Navegação Ltda., a  and ammonia production, marketing and sales
       ther maximising oil production revenues from  joint venture between DOF Subsea (50%) and  business. Work with significant potential is being
       the Saffron-2 well, the Company will be work-  TechnipFMC (50%).         progressed, as is an intended spin off and sepa-
       ing to incorporate the results of the well into an   Operations will start at latest in February  rate flotation on the London Stock Exchange for
       optimal forward plan for the Saffron project.  2022.                     later this year.
       These operations also provide a significant input   DOF Subsea, August 24 2021
       into defining the prospective and contingent
       resources for both the Saffron location and other
       targets within the Company’s South West Penin-  PERFORMANCE
       sula portfolio, which will contribute to an update
       of resource estimates.              President Energy reports
       Challenger Energy, August 25 2021
       Petrobras starts production         audited results for the year
                                           ended December 31, 2020
       from Carioca FPSO at Sépia          AIM-listed President Energy, the upstream oil

       Petrobras has started oil and natural gas produc-  and gas company with a diverse portfolio of pro-
       tion from the Carioca FPSO, the first platform at  duction and exploration assets focused primarily
       the Sépia field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt.  in Argentina, has announced its audited results
         The platform, an FPSO type (floating produc-  for the year ended December 31, 2020, and a
       tion, storage and off-loading unit for oil and gas),  2021 update and outlook.
       is located approximately 200 km off the coast of   In the face of the unprecedented challenges
       the state of Rio de Janeiro, in water depths of  in 2020, including the dramatic drop in the oil

       Week 34   26•August•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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