Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       Cunningham Energy, which would result in a   utility service from great Hope Gas employees   DOWNSTREAM
       significant increase in the company’s assets for   all located in West Virginia. As we build out
       the year ending December 31,2022.   the local operation, we plan to aggressively   ClearSign Technologies
       HOUSTON NATURAL RESOURCES, August 31,   hire in the state by adding jobs that will
       2022                                fuel the health of our local West Virginia   receives follow on
                                           communities,” said O’Brien.
                                              Founded in 1898, Hope Gas is now one   purchase order for
       MIDSTREAM                           of the largest local natural gas distribution
                                           companies (LDCs) in West Virginia. With   California refinery multi
       Hope Gas acquisition by             approximately 3,200 miles of main and 2,000   heater project
                                           miles of gathering pipes, Hope Gas serves
       Hearthstone closed today            over 111,000 residential, commercial, and   ClearSign Technologies, an emerging
                                           industrial customers across 35 counties
       Hearthstone Holdings, a portfolio company of   in West Virginia. “We are excited to grow   leader in industrial combustion and sensing
       Ullico Infrastructure Fund (UIF) announced   the business and leverage West Virginia’s   technologies that improve energy, operational
       today that it closed on its acquisition of   abundant natural gas resources by   efficiency and safety while dramatically
       100% of the equity interests in Hope Gas, a   collaborating with local natural gas producers   reducing emissions, today announces that the
       regulated gas distribution company located   to get more locally produced natural gas   Company has received the purchase order
       in West Virginia. Hearthstone indirectly   to more customers in West Virginia. Using   to proceed with the next phase of the twenty
       acquired Hope Gas from Dominion Energy.  local natural gas to enhance the economic   burner project announced on March 29, 2022
         “I’m pleased Hearthstone is investing in   and growth opportunities in West Virginia   for a California refinery.
       West Virginia and is committed to bringing   will attract more businesses and jobs to The   The purchase order is for the purchase of
       not only affordable domestic energy to their   Mountain State,” said O’Brien.  four burners for testing, the multi burner test
       customers but also their headquarters and job   Hearthstone owns and operates   and other ancillary items.  The timing and
       opportunities to the Mountain State,” said US   natural gas LDCs in Indiana, Ohio, North   scope of this order is due to the acceleration
       Senator Joe Manchin. “This is great news for   Carolina, Maine and Montana and water   of the project timeline.  The engineering and
       the region and I look forward to seeing the   and wastewater utilities in Arizona and   computer modelling for this project has been
       positive impact of this investment for years to   Michigan. As part of the definitive agreement,   completed and the remaining timeline for this
       come,” said Manchin.                Hearthstone will move its headquarters   project has been accelerated. The Company
         “We are excited to bring back the Hope Gas  to Morgantown, West Virginia, further   expects an additional purchase order for the
       name to West Virginia,” said Morgan O’Brien,   highlighting the importance of the acquisition   manufacture and supply of the remaining
       Hope Gas and Hearthstone’s President and   to the portfolio.             sixteen burners during the fourth quarter of
       CEO. “Customers will receive the same great   HEARTHSTONE HOLDINGS, August 31, 2022  this year.

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   01•September•2022
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