Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Texas family reportedly considering

       sale of Permian land

        PERMIAN BASIN    THE family that owns the 70,000-acre (283  property’s worth to those relatives with stakes.
                         square km) Mabee Ranch in Texas is report-  If a sale goes ahead, much of the value would
                         edly exploring options for the land, including  go to family members, while some would go to
                         a sale.                              the foundation, according to the sources. They
                           The land, which is named after the late oilman  said the family was working with advisers to
                         John Mabee, who bought into it in 2032, and rep-  consider options that include the sale of the sur-
                         resents one of the largest family-owned tracts in  face rights and mineral rights on the acreage,
                         the Permian Basin. Relatives of Mabee own the  as well as pipeline infrastructure supporting
                         land, and a charitable foundation he set up with  production.
                         his wife also holds a stake. Mabee Ranch land is   A buyer could use the rights or license them
                         currently leased to oil and gas producers includ-  to others.
                         ing ConocoPhillips, Diamondback Energy and   The news comes as oil prices have dropped
                         Pioneer Natural Resources.           back somewhat from highs reached earlier this
                           Reuters cited sources familiar with the mat-  year in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
                         ter as saying the land was expected to generate  Nonetheless, prices remain elevated, with West
                         $575mn of free cash flow in 2023 from roy-  Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude trading close
                         alties on oil and gas production. The sources  to $87 per barrel as of the end of this week.
                         did not specify how much the land could be  At such prices, it remains more attractive for
                         expected to sell for, but said that the family  sellers to dispose of acreage than it has been in
                         had decided to cash out and distribute the  recent years.™


       US DoI awards initial funds for

       plugging of orphan wells

        POLICY           THE US Department of the Interior (DoI)  the Interior, we are working on multiple fronts
                         announced this week that it had awarded an  to clean up these sites as quickly as we can by
                         initial $560mn to 24 states from funds allo-  investing in efforts on federal lands and partner-
                         cated under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law  ing with states and tribes to leave no community
                         for work on plugging, capping and reclaiming  behind.”
                         orphan wells.                          Of the 24 states, 22 have been allocated
                           According to the DoI’s announcement, as of  $25mn each in initial grants, with Arkansas and
                         2021, states had identified more than 129,000  Mississippi set to receive $5mn each to support
                         orphaned wells on both state and private land.  methane measurement and begin plugging wells.
                         This number is anticipated to grow further still  Additionally, 15 states will use their initial fund-
                         as Infrastructure Law funding becomes available  ing to set up methane measuring capacity, while
                         for further records research, more field equip-  six states have committed to measuring methane
                         ment, improved well location techniques and  before and immediately after remediation.
                         increased site inspections and data collection   The DoI said that of the 24 states, Oklahoma
                         across the country. The DoI said states had also  and Kentucky have the highest number of wells
                         indicated that there were over 10,000 well sites  identified for plugging and remediation with the
                         across the US that were seen as high priority and  available funding, at 1,196 and 1,200 respectively.
                         ready for immediate remediation efforts. This   The initial funding is part of an overall
                         figure is also anticipated to grow further.  $1.15bn in Phase One funding for states to plug
                           “President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure  and remediate orphaned wells. Additional for-
                         Law is enabling us to confront long-standing  mula funding is due to be allocated in the com-
                         environmental injustices by making a historic  ing months. Meanwhile, an initial $33mn has
                         investment to plug orphaned wells through-  been allocated to plug 277 wells on federal land,
                         out the country,” stated US Secretary of the  while the tribal orphaned well grant programme
                         Interior Deb Haaland. “At the Department of  is under consultation.™

       Week 35   01•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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