Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Alberta reports oil price

       boost for provincial budget

       The Alberta government has said it anticipates a far larger budget

       surplus than previously expected, while producers are paying off oil

       sands projects earlier than planned

        ALBERTA          THE Alberta government is benefiting from this  Intermediate (WTI) oil prices would average
                         year’s increase in oil prices, as it reports that its  $70 per barrel, whereas in reality the bench-
       WHAT:             budget surplus will be higher than previously  mark averaged over $100 per barrel in the first
       Alberta’s budget surplus   expected. The higher crude price is also allowing  six months of the year. While the price has since
       is rising and oil sands   producers to pay off the upfront costs of oil sands  fallen, it remained close to $87 per barrel as of
       producers are paying off   megaprojects sooner than planned.  the end of this week.
       megaprojects earlier than   However, once those projects are paid off,   The updated budget now assumes that WTI
       expected.         this pushes them into a higher bracket for roy-  crude will average $92.50 per barrel for the
                         alty payments, once again providing a financial  year, up $22.50 compared with the original
       WHY:              boost to the government.             forecast.
       Oil prices have surged                                  Alberta now expects its non-renewable
       this year, boosting the   Budget surplus               resource revenue for this fiscal year to reach
       provincial budgets   In an update this week, the Alberta govern-  CAD28.4bn ($21.6bn), more than double its
       and allowing oil sands   ment said it anticipated a budget surplus of  previous forecast. The province’s total revenue
       projects to be paid off.  CAD13.2bn ($10.1bn) in this budget year,  for the 2022-23 fiscal year is now projected
                         up from a previous forecast of a surplus of  to hit CAD75.9bn ($57.8bn). This includes
       WHAT NEXT:        CAD511mn ($389mn), made in February.  oil sands bitumen royalties of CAD20.1bn
       Paying off the upfront   Alberta Premier Jason Kenney attributed this  ($15.3bn), up 73% from the previous fiscal year
       costs of oil sands projects   in large part to the rise in commodity prices and  and CAD9.7bn ($7.4bn) higher than originally
       pushes them into a higher   royalty revenues. Indeed, the previous forecast  budgeted.
       royalty bracket.  was based on an assumption that West Texas   The Alberta government is planning to use

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   01•September•2022
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