Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Canada invokes pipeline treaty

       again to protect Enbridge’s Line 5

        NORTH AMERICA    THE Canadian government has invoked a 1977  In a statement this week, Canadian Foreign
                         pipeline treaty in a bid to avoid the shutdown of  Minister Melanie Joly said her government
                         Enbridge’s 540,000 barrel per day (bpd) Line 5  had raised “serious concerns” over the poten-
                         pipeline for the second time in less than a year.  tial disruption that could be caused if Line 5
                         The move comes in response to an attempt to  was shut down.
                         shut down the pipeline in Wisconsin – which   “This would impact energy prices, such as
       Line 5 includes an   is in addition to ongoing efforts by the State of  propane for heating homes and the price of gas
       underwater section   Michigan to have it taken offline.  at the pump. At a time when global inflation is
       that Enbridge wants to   The Bad River Band, a Native American tribe  making it hard on families to make ends meet,
       replace, though it has   in northern Wisconsin, wants Line 5 to be shut  these are unacceptable outcomes,” Joly stated.
       run into opposition from   down and removed from its reservation, citing   The previous time that Ottawa invoked the
       the State of Michigan.  the risk of a leak and expired easements between  1977 treaty in relation to Line 5 was in Octo-
                         Enbridge and the tribe. Enbridge filed its own  ber 2021, in a bid to start negotiations with US
                         motion in a US district court in May, seeking to  to resolve the dispute with Michigan over the
                         have some of the Bad River Band’s claims dis-  pipeline. Diplomatic talks have been limited, but
                         missed and arguing that federal law prohibits  earlier in August, Enbridge won a court victory
                         attempts to stop the pipeline’s operations.  against the State of Michigan when US District
                           Now Ottawa is also stepping in by invoking  Judge Janet Neff agreed with the company that
                         the treaty, which guarantees the transmission  regulation of Line 5 was a federal matter rather
                         of hydrocarbons between Canada and the US.  than a state one.™


       ExxonMobil strikes deals to

       offload non-core assets

        US               EXXONMOBIL continues its efforts to shed   At the time, shale gas was booming and oper-
                         non-core oil and gas assets. Last week, it was con-  ators were scrambling to acquire unconventional
                         firmed that the super-major had struck a deal to  assets across numerous regions of the US. Since
                         sell its Fayetteville shale assets in Arkansas to Fly-  then, commodity prices have gone through sev-
                         wheel Energy. Then, this week, it was reported  eral ups and down, and many shale regions have
                         that ExxonMobil and Shell had separately agreed  fallen out of favour as operators have focused on
                         to sell Aera Energy, one of California’s largest oil  the most productive plays.
                         and gas producers, to international asset man-  ExxonMobil disclosed plans to offer its
                         agement group IKAV.                  Fayetteville assets, and other non-core shale
                           The Fayetteville shale sale was reported by  properties, up for sale in 2020 as it narrows its
                         Reuters, which confirmed the transaction with  focus to the Permian Basin. It is also shedding
                         ExxonMobil. The company did not disclose the  non-core conventional assets across Asia, Africa
                         value of the deal, but an ExxonMobil spokes-  and Europe. Besides the Permian, ExxonMo-
                         woman, Julie King, told the news service that  bil’s focus will be on areas offshore Guyana and
                         the sale advances the super-major’s strategy of  Brazil.
                         focusing on “advantaged” assets.       ExxonMobil also did not disclose the value
                           The assets covered by the sale agreement  of its sale of Mobil California Exploration &
                         include around 5,000 natural gas wells – of  Producing Asset Co. subsidiary, which owns
                         which about 850 are operated and roughly 4,100  a 48.2% stake in Aera Energy and a 50%
                         are non-operated. The sale also includes related  share in Aera Energy Services. In a separate
                         pipeline and processing properties on around  announcement, Shell said its own sale cov-
                         381,000 acres (1,542 square km). ExxonMobil’s  ering its Aera stake was worth $2bn in cash,
                         shale unit, XTO Energy, acquired the assets in  with additional contingent payments based
                         2010 for around $650mn.              on future oil prices.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   01•September•2022
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