Page 16 - REM Annual Review 2021
P. 16

REM                                                 JULY                                                REM

       Global investors turn to green

       energy and away from fossil fuels

        GLOBAL           THE world’s largest global debt and equity inves-  (60-80%) compared to equity capital (20-40%).
                         tors are continuing to invest in renewable energy   The leading renewable energy equity inves-
                         despite the pandemic, driven by the large num-  tors are a diverse set of financial institutions,
                         ber of investment opportunities, the Institute  including asset management giants Amundi,
                         for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis  BlackRock and Brookfield, pension funds,
                         (IEEFA) said in a new report.        infrastructure investment funds, private equity
                           “Global investors are accelerating their col-  investment firms and diversified financial
                         lective move away from the massive climate-re-  groups.
                         lated risks associated with fossil fuel assets and   “The two pension funds in our list, Canadian
                         building capacity so as to increasingly deploy  pension funds CPPIB and CDPQ, both have sig-
                         huge amounts of capital into renewable energy  nificant investment in renewable energy infra-
                         infrastructure projects,” said Tim Buckley, the  structure across geographies,” says Trivedi.
                         report co-author and IEEFA’s Director of Energy   “We also include a few smaller infrastructure
                         Finance Studies for Australia/South Asia.  funds such as Cubico Sustainable Investments
                           “The continued expansion of investment  and Global Infrastructure Partners, because in
                         shows the resilience of the renewable energy  contrast to many other larger funds, they are
                         sector despite the economic disruption of the  aggressively investing in the sector, including in
                         [coronavirus] COVID-19 pandemic.”    greenfield renewable energy investment, which
                           The report lists 10 global commercial banks,  demonstrates the risk-taking and capacity build-
                         selected from BNEF’s Clean Energy League  ing of these funds as well as their commitment to
                         Table ranking, which together lent $30bn to  climate goals.”
                         renewable energy projects in 2020.     The report also highlighted 10 globally signif-
                           A key feature is the recently increased profile  icant renewable energy infrastructure projects.
                         of Asia, with three Japanese banks (Sumitomo   “Strong risk-adjusted return prospects and
                         Mitsui Banking Corporation Group; Mitsubishi  stable project cashflows, along with green eco-
                         UFJ Financial Group Inc. and Mizuho Financial  nomic stimulus packages, particularly from
                         Group Inc.).                         Europe, have helped to drive solar energy instal-
                           However, the list is still clearly dominated by  lation and a $50bn surge in offshore wind power
                         European banks (Banco Santander; CaixaBank;  projects,” said Buckley.
                         BNP Paribas; Societe Generale; Cooperative   “Last year we saw the financing of the two
                         Rabobank; Credit Agricole Group and ING  largest renewables projects to date, the 3.6-GW
                         Groep).                              Dogger Bank offshore North Sea wind farm and
                           The report found that the banks’ investment  the 2-GW TAQA Al Dhafrah in the United Arab
                         trends were starting to pivot into clean energy  Emirates.
                         assets.                                “These mammoth projects require invest-
                           Leading global banks are ramping up on  ment on a staggering scale and we’re seeing
                         delivery of their commitment towards reduced  global investors racing to deploy capital into
                         fossil fuel exposure, building momentum in  the growing opportunities of the energy transi-
                         order to start to align with the exceptionally  tion, which will grow into a multi-trillion-dollar
                         ambitious pledges of the 1.5°C goal under the  annual investment opportunity if the world is to
                         Glasgow Net Zero Banking Alliance announced  deliver on its climate goals.”
                         in April 2021.                         Global investors committed a record $501bn
                           This is a massive step-change in ambition by  to renewables, energy storage, electric vehi-
                         these financial institutions, which have a com-  cle infrastructure, hydrogen production, heat
                         bined worth of more than $88 trillion in assets, to  pumps and other low-carbon assets in 2020,
                         advance the Paris Agreement’s decarbonisation  according to BloombergNEF (BNEF) data. This
                         goals, said report co-author and IEEFA research  was a 9% increase on the previous year and the
                         analyst Saurabh Trivedi.             first time that annual energy transition invest-
                           “US banks are conspicuous by their absence  ment passed the half a trillion-dollar mark.
                         from our list of debt investors, having only   Annual investment in renewable infrastruc-
                         recently started to join the global movement of  ture in 2020 increased 2% to $303bn, or 60% of
                         investment into climate-focused sectors,” says  total investment in low-carbon energy transition
                         Trivedi.                             assets last year, BNEF found. The electric trans-
                           “Debt investment by large banks will be  port and allied charging infrastructure sector
                         critical to achieving the Paris goals given that  received the second biggest portion of invest-
                         they own assets worth of hundreds of trillions  ment in 2020, at $139bn (28% higher than in
                         of dollars.” Typically, infrastructure projects  2019).™
                         also require a larger component of debt capital

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                                Annual Review 2021
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