Page 19 - REM Annual Review 2021
P. 19

REM                                           SEPTEMBER                                                REM

       Global power sector

       emissions rise, threatening

       green commitments

        GLOBAL           RISING demand for electricity across the world  CO2 emissions compared to pre-pandemic
                         outpaced growth in green power output in the  levels – with wind and solar replacing coal –
                         first half of 2021, creating increased consump-  but only in the context of suppressed demand
                         tion of coal in power generation and a corre-  growth.
                         sponding rise in CO2 emissions.        Countries with rising electricity demand
                           Think-tank Ember said in its mid-year update  also saw higher emissions, as coal generation
                         to its Global Electricity Review that power sec-  increased as well as wind and solar.
                         tor emissions rebounded in the 1H-2021, rising   These grey recovery countries are mostly in
                         12% from the lows seen in 1H-2020. Emissions  Asia: China, Bangladesh, India, Kazakhstan,
                         are now 5% above the pre-pandemic levels of  Mongolia, Pakistan and Vietnam.
                         1H-2019.                               In South Africa, coal provided 89% of power
                           This means that no country achieved a truly  demand in June 2021, slightly down from 91.7%
                         ‘green recovery’ in the power sector in the first  in June 2020. At the same time, demand climbed
                         half of 2021. Some countries reduced emissions,  5% from 20.17 TWh in June 2020 to 21.3 TWh in
                         but only due to flattened demand or temporary  June 2021, as renewables expanded from 4.63%
                         conditions.                          of production in June 2020 to 5.37% in June
                           Crucially, rising CO2 emissions show that the  2021. Nuclear accounted for the rest of rising
                         global electricity transition is so far off track that  output.
                         it is putting the IPCC’s 1.5 degree targets at risk.
                           Ember used data from 63 countries cover-  China
                         ing 87% of the world’s electricity production to  The biggest power generator is China, and it
                         show that electricity demand also grew by 5% in  needs to reduce its use of fossil fuels.
                         1H-2021.                               The country’s demand rose by 14% from
                           Wind and solar accounted for 57% of the new  1H-2019 to 1H-2021 and is approaching EU per
                         demand, but coal accounted for 43%, pushing up  capita levels.
                         emissions.                             Over two-thirds (68%) was met by coal
                           Gas consumption globally for power gen-  power and the rest by wind and solar (29%).
                         eration remained unchanged, while hydro and   China was responsible for 90% of the world’s
                         nuclear saw a slight fall.           increase in electricity demand and 43% of the
                           For the first time, wind and solar generated  world’s growth in wind and solar during this
                         over 10% of global electricity and overtook  period.
                         nuclear generation.                    It added more coal power (+337 TWh) than
                           “Catapulting emissions in 2021 should send  the EU’s total coal generation in H1-2021. As a
                         alarm bells across the world. We are not building  result, China’s share of global coal generation
                         back better; we are building back badly. A super-  rose from 50% in 2019 to 53% in H1-2021.
                         fast electricity transition this decade is critical to
                         limit global heating to 1.5 degrees. The electricity  India
                         transition is happening but with little urgency:  In India, the continued impact of the pandemic
                         emissions are going in the wrong direction,” said  in H1-2021 kept electricity demand muted and
                         Dave Jones, global programme leader at Ember.  coal rises minimal.
                           The report warned that no country has yet   Electricity demand in H1-2021 was only
                         achieved a truly ‘green recovery’ for their power  3% higher than H1-2019 levels; one of the low-
                         sector, which would involve structural changes  est increases in developing Asia as pandemic
                         in both higher electricity demand and lower  restrictions continued.
                         CO2 power sector emissions.            Almost three-quarters (72%) of India’s
                           Several countries including the US, EU, Japan  increase in demand was met by growth in solar
                         and South Korea achieved lower power sector  (+47%) and wind (+9%).™

       Annual Review 2021                       www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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