Page 22 - REM Annual Review 2021
P. 22

REM                                             NOVEMBER                                                REM

       Coal dominates at COP26

       as more countries join the

       clean transition

        GLOBAL           POLAND, Ukraine, Vietnam and a host of other  markets of Ukraine and the EU. In this context,
                         major coal-burning countries made clear com-  we are working with our international partners
                         mitments to phase out coal power in the coming  to attract investment, technology and expertise,”
                         years, as the UK presidency of COP26 claimed  said German Galuschenko, Minister of Energy
                         that “the end of coal is in sight.”  of Ukraine.
                           A 190-member coalition of countries and   DTEK, the biggest private investor in
                         organisations have agreed to the Global Coal to  Ukraine’s energy sector, also joined the Alliance,
                         Clean Power Transition Statement at COP26 in  committing to powering operations without coal
                         Glasgow.                             by 2040.
                           The statement means that 18 countries have   Similarly, Chile set 2040 as its date for being
                         for the first time committed to phase out coal  coal-free, while Mauritius set 2030 and Croatia
                         at home and not to build or invest in new coal  also joined, determining 2033 as its coal-free
                         power. Poland, Ukraine, Vietnam and Chile are  date.
                         among the countries, meaning that some of the   Singapore is the first country in Asia to join
                         biggest coal burners outside the world’s rich-  the PPCA and, as a leading financial centre,
                         est countries have now joined the global clean  it has committed to catalysing green finance
                         energy transition.                   for the continent’s transition towards greater
                           However, absentees included China, India,  sustainability.
                         the US and Russia, substantially weakening the   A large group of financial institutions have
                         future effectiveness of the new deal.  also joined the Alliance, mirroring a raft of com-
                                                              mitments which brought an end to international
                         Powering past coal                   public coal finance this year. These include:
                         Also at COP26, the Powering Past Coal Alli-  NatWest, HSBC, Lloyds Bank, Fidelity Interna-
                         ance (PPCA) separately announced that 28 new  tional, Impax Asset Management, Generation
                         members had joined the organisation, a group  Investment Management (UK), Ethos Founda-
                         of government, companies and local authorities  tion (Switzerland), SCOR Global Investments
                         that aim to phase out coal at home and accelerate  (France), Vancity (Canada) and United Church
                         the global transition from coal to clean energy.  of Canada.
                           Ukraine, Chile, Singapore, Mauritius, Azer-  Export Development Canada is the first
                         baijan, Slovenia and Estonia have all joined,  export credit agency to enter the Alliance, and
                         along with Ukraine.                  played a key role in ending OECD export credit
                           This means that nearly two-thirds of OECD  support for unabated coal-fired power plants.
                         & EU governments are now PPCA members and  Together, the now 33 finance members of the
                         on the way to phasing out coal by 2030.  Alliance account for over $17 trillion in assets.
                           Ukraine said it would end coal power by
                         2035, while massively investing in renewables   Coal to clean power
                         and ensuring a just transition for workers and   Poland’s support for the Global Coal to Clean
                         communities. It is a major step for a country that  Power Transition Statement means the EU’s
                         has the third-largest coal fleet in Europe after  move away from coal is now on a much firmer
                         Germany and Poland.                  footing.
                           “Ukraine is moving towards the decarbonisa-  Vietnam’s support is a beacon of progress for
                         tion of the energy sector, in particular, complete  other countries in Southeast Asia, leaving just
                         decommissioning of coal-fired thermal power  India and China as the continent’s major coal
                         plants [TPPs], as well as a significant increase in  burners that have not joined the global phase-
                         renewable generation. This objective, however,  out movement.
                         requires developing highly flexible and low-car-  The Global Coal to Clean Power Transition
                         bon generation, as well as integration of energy  Statement covers four main issues. It commits

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