Page 23 - REM Annual Review 2021
P. 23

REM                                           NOVEMBER                                                 REM

                         the signatories to ending all investment in new  committed to ending coal power over the next
                         coal power generation domestically and inter-  two decades.
                         nationally and rapidly scaling up deployment of   The G7, G20 and OECD have all agreed to
                         clean power generation.              end coal financing abroad – the G20 only last
                           It also sets a target date of the 2030s for ending  week.
                         coal in major economies, and the 2040s for the
                         rest of the world.                     Absentees
                           The countries must also invest in a just transi-  China is the biggest threat to accelerating the
                         tion away from coal power in a way that benefits  decline of coal. While China is in fact a world
                         workers and communities, thereby mitigating  leader in building new solar and wind power in
                         unemployment and the economic impact of  a bid to squeeze coal in the long run, it is also the
                         coal closures.                       world’s largest consumer of coal, and the world’s
                           The statement was announced at COP26 by  biggest emitter.
                         the UK Business and Energy Secretary Kwasi   Crucially, it expects an increase in emissions
                         Kwarteng.                            for the rest of the decade, and recently refused to
                           “Today’s ambitious commitments made by  bring forward its target date for peak emissions.
                         our international partners demonstrate that the   For India, coal is a crucial fuel, and even
                         end of coal is in sight. The world is moving in the  though PM Modi said on Monday, November 1
                         right direction, standing ready to seal coal’s fate  that renewables would account for 50% of elec-
                         and embrace the environmental and economic  tricity by 2030, the rest is predominantly made
                         benefits of building a future that is powered by  up of coal.
                         clean energy,” said Kwarteng.          The move away from coal at COP26 will now
                           There have been agreements to end coal  put considerable pressure on China, India, the
                         financing in recent months, but this is the  US and Russia to make comparable statements
                         first time that a long list of coal emitters have  in future to reduce their dependency on coal.™

       Annual Review 2021                       www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P23
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