Page 6 - DMEA Week 12 2022
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Aramco reaps rewards

       of oil price gains

       Saudi Aramco has announced bumper results for 2021
       and plans to increase spending to hike oil production.

        MIDDLE EAST      STATE-BACKED Saudi Aramco this week  shareholders, in addition to the dividend.
                         posted its full-year results for 2021, registering   Aramco did little to quell rumours of a poten-
                         a 124% increase in net income on the back of an  tial dividend increase, noting that it “aims to
       WHAT:             almost $30 rise in the average realised price per  maintain a sustainable and progressive dividend,
       Aramco rode a wave of   barrel of Brent compared to the year before.  in line with future prospects, underlying growth
       buoyant oil prices to   On March 20, the company announced that  in free cash flow, and long-term value creation
       report massive increases   net income had risen to $110bn, compared  through investments in available opportunities.”
       in income despite   with $49bn in 2020, reflecting “higher crude   A day later it held a webcast, adding more
       production remaining   oil prices, stronger refining and chemicals mar-  colour to the figures and noting that dividends
       largely unchanged.  gins, and the consolidation of SABIC’s full-year  and shareholder value were likely to increase
                         results”.                            without providing detail on what would trigger
       WHY:                The impact of price on the company’s per-  such a move.
       The company spoke of   formance is particularly clear given that total   Achievements in the upstream were high-
       maintaining its oil market   hydrocarbon production fell by 100,000 barrels  lighted by progress on the so-called crude
       pre-eminence and with a   of oil equivalent per day to 12.3mn boepd, with  increment projects – a raft of major oilfield
       performance like this, few   crude oil output remaining flat at 9.2mn bar-  developments aimed at maintaining oil produc-
       would bet against it.  rels per day, suggesting that the company held  tion capacity.
                         around 2.8mn bpd of spare capacity during the   The ‘Ain Dar and Fazran reservoirs in the
       WHAT NEXT:        year.                                supergiant Ghawar oilfield were tied-in to pro-
       Feeling bullish, it has                                vide an additional 175,000 bpd of combined
       set a guidance of $40-  Performance                    production capacity.
       50bn for 2022 capital   Free cash flow increased similarly from $49.1bn   Meanwhile, work continues on the Berri,
       expenditure as it works   to $107.5bn, while Aramco said it had priori-  Dammam, Khurais, Marjan and Zuluf incre-
       to expand its oil and gas   tised strengthening its balance sheet, reducing  ments, which will add a further 1.3mn bpd
       production capabilities   its gearing ratio by 8.8% to 14.2%.  between now and 2026.
       as well as investing in the   Despite cash flow concerns in 2020 that saw   Total liquids production – comprising 9.2mn
       downstream.       the company tap international markets for bil-  bpd of oil, 175,000 bpd of condensate, 200,000
                         lions of dollars – including a $6bn, sharia-com-  bpd of natural gasoline, 291,000 bpd of butane
                         pliant Sukuk during Q2 2021 – the company has  and 474,000 bpd of propane – sat at 10.36mn bpd
                         continued to live up to its promised $75bn per  for the year. Crude oil exports comprised 6.3mn
                         year dividend payment, with its latest $18.75bn  bpd.
                         instalment to be paid during this quarter.  Buoyed by the achievement of a single-day
                           Meanwhile, its board of directors also rec-  gas output record of 10.8bn cubic feet (306mn
                         ommended that $4bn of “retained earnings”  cubic metres), natural gas production rose by
                         be capitalised and bonus shares distributed to  1.9% to 9.2 bcf (261 mcm) per day with ethane

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