Page 9 - DMEA Week 12 2022
P. 9

DMEA                                   SUPPLY & PROCESSING                                            DMEA

       Saudi Arabia once again

       Beijing’s top oil supplier

        MIDDLE EAST      IN a not altogether unexpected turn of events   Lower down the pecking order in terms of
                         in light of the ongoing Ukraine - Russia conflict  crude suppliers to China, Beijing was prepared to
                         and knock on effect on global oil markets,  Saudi  upset some in Washington late in 2021, when fig-
                         Arabia has again replaced Russia as China’s top  ures were released showing that almost 260,000
                         crude oil supplier.                  tonnes of Iranian crude had been ordered.
                           In figures released to global markets by Chi-  This arrived in Chinese ports in January of
                         na’s General Administration of Customs, Saudi  this year; the first shipment in over a year from a
                         exporters were shown to have regained their pre-  nation long targeted by US sanctions.
                         viously held top spot on China’s supply rankings   In related news, some sources have now
                         after increased Russian exports towards the end  revealed that Saudi talks with Beijing to start
                         of last year saw Moscow briefly unseat Riyadh  accepting payments for crude in Chinese yuan
                         in December.                         rather than in US dollars have been ongoing for
                           Recent cuts in Chinese import quotas, borne  some time.
                         primarily by independent refineries, as well as   Behind the willingness to move away from
                         hard-hitting global sanctions across a world  greenback sales of oil - a norm since 1974, fol-
                         united against the Russian invasion though have  lowing an agreement at the time with the gov-
                         seen Russia’s oil exports to China plummet to  ernment of former US president Richard Nixon

                         just 12.66mn tonnes, equivalent to just 1.57mn   - is increased ill-feeling over US security  com-
                         barrels per day (bpd), a full 9% down since the  mitments in the Kingdom.
                         start of the year officials say.       If eventually realised, the effects on both the
                           Over the same period year in 2021, that figure  US and China would be huge, likely leading to
                         stood at 1.72 million bpd.           other major economies including Japan, and
                           Yet, in spite of the decrease in total tonnage,  leading European Union nations attempting the
                         the overall cost of Russian crude in the same time  same.
                         frame increased by almost a third - up 31.4% to   At present roughly 25% of all crude sales from
                         $7.46bn. Hardest hit was Russia’s ESPO crude,  the Kingdom make their way to China, and with
                         largely a result of China’s teapot refineries facing  this comes significant leveraging power on the
                         pressure from government authorities intent on  part of the Chinese government.
                         responding to claims of tax evasion by smaller   But whilst negotiations have been going on
                         operators from late last year.       since the late 2010s, between Riyadh and Beijing,
                           Saudi numbers meanwhile came in at a little  with around 80% of all crude oil transactions
                         over 14.6mn tonnes, 1.86mn bpd, imported by  around the world using US dollars, analysts do
                         Beijing at a total cost of $8.74bn.  not see any immediate danger that may affect the
                           China doesn’t look ready to completely aban-  status quo; particularly in light of the fact that the
                         don Russia yet though.               Saudi riyal is itself pegged to the dollar.
                           Reports in recent weeks have claimed that   At stake for all concerned, however, is approx-
                         buyers in China are already working with Rus-  imately $14trillion in annual global oil trade,
                         sian oil producer Surgutneftegaz to keep supplies  a trade in which China is the world’s leading
                         flowing around Western led blockades, although  importer, with a government ambitious to make
                         no reliable data to this end has yet been released.  hay while all eyes are on events in Ukraine.™

       Week 12   24•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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