Page 4 - DMEA Week 02 2023
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Iraq prepares for

       refining renaissance

       Progress is being made towards the commercial launch of the Karbala refinery
       while Japanese financing paves the way for expansion at a major southern plant

        MIDDLE EAST      FOLLOWING  years of underinvestment,  gradually to reach design capacity by the end of
                         attacks and chronic decay, Iraq’s refining sector  July.
                         is set for a significant resurgence as two major   Elaborating on the product slate, Abdulghani
       WHAT:             projects move towards fruition.      said “the refinery’s production is of high-octane
       Commercial operations at   The Karbala oil refinery will begin com-  gasoline with a degree of 95, with a capacity
       Karbala are set to launch   mercial production operations in mid-March,  ranging between 8-9mn litres per day, and it can
       in March, with the facility   according to comments this week from Oil Min-  be increased to 12mn litres after the process of
       the only one of four   ister Hayan Abdulghani. Meanwhile, a fourth  mixing it with the naphtha produced from the
       originally envisaged in   tranche of financing was agreed for the Basra  refinery.
       plans announced in 2007.  Refinery Upgrading Project (BRUP) which will   Karbala will comprise 35 operational and
                         expand capacity at the facility, operated by the  service units, including four gasoline production
       WHY:              state-owned South Refineries Co. (SRC).  units, a thermal cracking unit, a poly-naphtha
       The plant will cater to                                unit to produce octane 95 and 90 fuels as well as
       as much as 75% or   Karbala commerciality              44 storage tanks. Gasoline-producing units have
       Iraqi demand and will   Speaking to official state media, Abdulghani  already been completed
       potentially offer products   said following a visit to the refinery that will be   It is expected to produce LPG, gasoline, gas
       for export.       operated by the state-owned Midland Refin-  oil, fuel oil, jet fuel and asphalt to meet interna-
                         eries Co., he said that commercial production  tional standards.
       WHAT NEXT:        would begin in March at 70,000 barrels per day   Plans to develop a greenfield refinery at
       Another tranche of   (bpd), expanding to its full design capacity a few  Karbala have been on the drawing board since
       Japanese financing has   months later.                 2007, when Baghdad launched a downstream
       been agreed for the   “I saw the primary products after the trial  development programme comprising four new
       expansion of the Basra   operation of the first unit of the refinery with a  plants across the country. Of these, only Karbala
       refinery.         capacity of 70,000 barrels, including gasoline,  has reached the construction phase following the
                         kerosene, and kerosene, and it was according  MoO’s reversion to an engineering, procurement
                         to the required and planned specifications,” he  and construction (EPC) contract and its award
                         said. He added that throughput would increase  to a South Korean consortium, led by Hyundai

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