Page 7 - DMEA Week 02 2023
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capture 800,000 tonnes per year (tpy) of CO2. Hydrogen Alliance (ADHA) and with the oil
ADNOC expects to increase this “six-fold” by firm currently producing around 300,000 tpy
capturing CO2 from its own gas plants, with of hydrogen, accompanying statements said
the aim of reaching 5mn tpy of CO2 by 2030. that this alliance would “place special empha-
The estimated $120mn scheme captures sis on blue hydrogen as a major natural gas
CO2 from two steel plants at the Mussafah producer and look to expand its total hydro-
Industrial Area owned by state firm Emirates gen capacity to more than 500,000 tpy”.
The facility also compresses and dehy- Power push
drates the gas with output piped to ADNOC’s ADNOC said that the Abu Dhabi Future
Rumaitha and Bab onshore oilfields for injec- Energy Co. (Masdar) would be responsible for
tion to boost recovery rates – while freeing up delivering the majority of its energy portfolio
natural gas for alternative uses. expansion.
Last week’s statement said that ADNOC In early December, the Abu Dhabi National
would look to ‘build on’ Al Reyadah and “will Energy Co. (TAQA), ADNOC and Mubadala
announce plans to deploy technologies to agreed a deal allowing TAQA to take a leading
capture, store and absorb CO2 by leveraging role in Masdar’s renewable energy business.
the UAE’s geological properties while prepar- It acquired a 43% shareholding alongside
ing for its next major investment to capture 24% in Masdar’s green hydrogen business for
emissions from its Habshan gas processing $1.02bn. Following the deal, ADNOC holds
facility […to] firmly establish [the UAE] as a 43% in Masdar green hydrogen and $24bn in
worldwide hub for carbon capture expertise the renewables arm with Mubadala holding
and innovation.” 33% in both.
This is expected to support the company’s Masdar has a current capacity of 20GW
diversification plan to become a leader in the of ‘clean energy’, which it intends to grow to
hydrogen and low-carbon ammonia mar- 100GW by 2030 while also leading the Emir-
kets as it targets the completion of a 1mn tpy ates’ green hydrogen push.
blue ammonia plant which has already begun For the last 12 months, ADNOC’s full grid
delivering test cargoes to Europe and Asia. power demand has been catered to using
ADNOC’s Fertiglobe affiliate, Japan’s Mit- nuclear and solar power supplied by Emirates
sui and South Korean firm GS Energy nearing Water and Electricity Co. (EWEC) and it has
the launch of the plant at the TA’ZIZ Industrial also signed off on a $3.8bn project to build
Chemicals Zone in Ruwais, formerly referred a sub-sea network that will link its onshore
to as Ruwais Derivatives Park. power grid to offshore facilities, synergy that
This forms part of the wider TA’ZIZ ecosys- ADNOC envisages reducing its offshore car-
tem, led by the Abu Dhabi Chemicals Deriv- bon footprint by up to 50%.
atives Co. (TA’ZIZ) – a 60:40 joint venture With these investments, ADNOC can once
(JV) between ADNOC and holding company again claim to be leading the way for Gulf
ADQ. NOCs when it comes to the energy transition
In early 2021, ADNOC, Mubadala and and the company’s integrated approach to
ADQ signed a memorandum of under- decarbonisation is likely to be followed by its
standing (MoU) to establish the Abu Dhabi regional competitors.
Week 02 12•January•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P7