Page 8 - DMEA Week 02 2023
P. 8
Iran fancies itself as mediator
between Baghdad and Erbil
IRAN TEHRAN this week said that it would be will- After 12 months of stasis, Iraq finally formed
ing to mediate in the ongoing political impasse a new government in October with new Prime
between Baghdad and Erbil, the capital of the Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani selecting
semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region of north- heads for 21 ministries.
ern Iraq. The somewhat surprising comments At the time Kurdish leaders said they hoped
came during a press briefing my Iranian Foreign the new regime in Baghdad could help expedite
Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani. the signing of a new oil and gas law after the pre-
“Whenever our Iraqi friends and brothers vious one was torn up by the Supreme Court
need the Islamic Republic to use its capacity, pos- in February. Kurdistan Region Prime Minister
itive role, and close relations to help bring close Masrour Barzani said: “I hope, following the
the views of Erbil and Baghdad, or perhaps aid inauguration of the next Iraqi government, both
in resolving disputes, we will not hesitate to play Erbil and Baghdad will be able to draft an oil and
the role,” he said. gas law.”
Kanaani noted Iran’s close ties with officials He suggested that “entities and individuals”
from both administrations and said that his had misinterpreted and “violated” the coun-
colleagues “firmly believe in the stability and try’s 2005 constitution and called out “bad
strengthening of a unified Iraq”. governance.”
The suggestion is likely to be met with crit- Dashing hopes of a quick reprise, a day later,
icism or even disbelief in many quarters with Judge Mohammed Ali Mahmoud Nadeem of the
Iranian militias seen to have played a key role Karkh Commercial Court invalidated contracts
in undermining Iraqi election results in order between the Kurdistan Regional Government
to ensure Kurdish representatives were kept to (KRG) and Chinese firm Addax Petroleum,
a minimum. Canada’s ShaMaran Petroleum and UK-listed
Last summer, pro-Iran groups were also Gulf Keystone. Media reports suggest the court
blamed for threats and rocket strikes on Kurd- is yet to make a ruling on higher profile contracts
ish energy infrastructure including the Khor held by UAE-based Dana Gas and Russia’s Gaz-
Mor gas field, a refinery owned by Kurdish firm prom Neft.
KAR Group and the home of its CEO Baz Karim The following month the KRG resumed
Barzanji amid reports that he had been holding sending its delegations to Baghdad to negotiate
high level talks for the export of gas via Turkey, with the Federal government, but no progress
with the assistance of Israel and the US. has yet been announced.
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 02 12•January•2023