Page 13 - DMEA Week 02 2023
P. 13

DMEA                                           PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       KOC continues contracting

       as more delay claims emerge

        MIDDLE EAST      KUWAIT’S state-owned upstream operator   The deal was two engineering deals appor-
                         last week awarded another major contract as  tioned by KOC within a matter of days and fol-
                         new reports emerged about further delays to an  lowed the award to Australian firm Worley of a
                         already-overdue project.             five-year FEED contract to improve efficiency
                           French firm Technip Energies was picked by  across its facilities.
                         Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC) for a five-year framework   According to a statement from Worley, it was
                         agreement that covers project management  hired to provide Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC) with
                         consultancy (PMC), front-end engineering and  “traditional services and sustainability related
                         design (FEED) and associated services for major  services to develop new solar, power and water
                         projects under development in the Gulf state.  projects that will further improve efficiency and
                           A statement by Technip Energies did not  increase the capacity of KOC’s facilities.” The
                         specify the size of the contract, describing it only  timing of the two awards suggests that while the
                         as ‘large, which the company defines as €250-  language of the Worley deal is vague, its con-
                         €500mn ($266-$532mn).                tract may be another renewal given that it won
                           It marks the renewal of a five-year framework  a similar five-year deal to Technip – alongside
                         first awarded in 2014. That deal entailed the pro-  US-based Fluor – in 2014.
                         vision of support across the government firm’s
                         long project slate of upgrades to existing facilities  Pipeline delay
                         and the development of new ones, most impor-  Just as similar deals were announced in consec-
                         tantly the estimated $4.2bn Lower Fars heavy oil  utive weeks, similar claims of delays at Kuwaiti
                         project, which aims to add 270,000 barrels per  projects emerged in the local press in the last
                         day (bpd) of production by 2023.     few days. After documents from the firm’s par-
                           KOC typically retains a trio of heavyweight  ent Kuwait Petroleum Corp. (KPC) were leaked
                         international engineering companies on similar  to media outlets suggesting the firm’s financial
                         five-year, wide-ranging mandates – offsetting to  position may challenge project investments,
                         a degree the political impossibility of partner-  the local Alanba quoted sources as saying that
                         ships for specific projects such as Lower Fars  a major pipeline project has yet to be completed,
                         with international oil companies (IOCs). At that  nearly six years after it was awarded.
                         stage (then) Technip replaced UK-based Amec.   KOC awarded a contract for the development
                           Technip valued its award at $400mn and said  of a pipeline feeding the Al-Zour refinery in 2017
                         it covered the provision of “project management,  and this was expected to be completed by 2020.
                         feasibility studies, front-end design, project con-  However, despite KOC having imposed a fine on
                         trols, planning, engineering, procurement, con-  the contractor, the report said that the Central
                         struction management services, as well as the  Agency for Public Tenders (CAPT) “told KOC
                         training of KOC project staff.”      that it still does not see any clear vision for the
                           Commenting on last week’s renewal, Charles  project completion although KOC reported that
                         Cessot, SVP of Technip Energies’ T.EN X busi-  the project would be finished on May 22, 2022.”
                         ness, said: “We are delighted by the continued   The KWD257mn ($848mn) contract is
                         confidence shown by KOC with this award to  understood to have been held up by pipe cor-
                         support them on their major developments. This  rosion and “other problems”, thereby delaying
                         award reinforces the strong and lasting relation-  KPC downstream affiliate Kuwait Integrated
                         ship we have built with KOC and reaffirms our  Petrochemical Industries Co. (KIPIC) from
                         outstanding consultancy delivery as well as our  bringing its $16bn, 615,000-bpd refinery up to
                         long-standing presence in Kuwait.”   full capacity.™

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