Page 16 - DMEA Week 02 2023
P. 16

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February   naira exchange rate.          infrastructure applications to construct
       24, have led to a significant increase in oil   He, however, expressed optimism that   Borouge 4,” a statement said on Tuesday.
       prices, Nigeria is unable to fully benefit from   once the Dangote Refinery and Petrochemical   The Borouge 4 project, owned by
       the situation as it spends huge amounts on   Plant commenced operations, the country   ADNOC and Borealis, is expected to support
       imported petroleum products annually.  would be in a position to be able to save   the continued development of the UAE’s
         Thus, in its October 2022 Economic   the huge amount of the FX it spends on the   downstream and industry sector. Covering an
       Report, the CBN stated: “Higher import bills,   importation of petroleum products as well as   area equivalent to almost 500 football pitches,
       particularly, for petroleum products, coupled   petrochemicals and that the apex bank would   the facility will produce polyolefin solutions
       with rising global prices, pushed merchandise   in a better position to float the naira. Emefiele   for various sectors, including infrastructure,
       import northward. Consequently, aggregate   stated at the time that “on the Dangote   energy, advanced packaging and agriculture
       import increased by 34.9 per cent to $4.64   Refinery, by the time it begins production   across the Middle East, Africa and Asia
       billion, from $3.44 billion in the preceding   latest July next year, it is going to be a major   Pacific.
       month.                              source to save forex for Nigeria. Right now,   According to Hazeem Sultan Al Suwaidi,
         “The increase in import was driven by   the overall forex we spend on imported   CEO of Borouge, the latest deals signal
       the rise in the import of petroleum products   items, the importation of petroleum products   the continued progress of the Borouge 4
       to $1.24 billion, from $0.12 billion in   consumes close to 30 per cent.  project and are testament to the company’s
       September 2022, to bridge domestic supply   “By the time you add diesel, aviation fuel,   commitment to the “In-Country Value”
       gap. “Similarly, non-oil import rose by 2.5 per   petrol and the rest of that which makes up   programme of the UAE.
       cent to $3.41 billion, from $3.32 billion in the   the 30 per cent, the Dangote Refinery has the   Ducab is expected to produce low-voltage
       preceding month. In terms of share, non-oil   capacity to produce 650,000 barrels per day.   and medium-voltage cables to power Borouge
       import accounted for 73.4 per cent, while oil   There is a domestic component that is about   4, while UPI will use Borouge’s “Made in
       constituted the balance of 26.6 per cent of the   455,000 barrels. Even if the 455,000 is what is   UAE” solutions to produce pressure pipes for
       total.” Also, in its Q3’22 Economic Report,   sold to Dangote in naira alone, it is going to   the cooling and public sanitation system of
       the apex bank said: “Provisional data revealed   be a major forex savings for Nigeria.” Analysts   Borouge 4.
       that merchandise imports fell by 8.9 per cent   note that the Dangote Refinery is, however,   ZAWYA
       to $11.36 billion in 2022Q3, relative to $12.48   expected to finally start operations by the
       billion in the preceding quarter.   middle of this year.                 Borouge materials selected
         “The development was observed, majorly,   NEW TELEGRAPH
       in the importation of non-oil products, which                            for Greater Cairo Metro
       declined by 17.3 per cent to $7.63 billion, from
       $9.22 billion. Conversely, import of petroleum  PETROCHEMICALS           project
       products increased by 14.6 per cent to $3.73
       billion from $3.26 billion.         Borouge secures 2 new                Borouge announced today that its block
         “The increase in petroleum products                                    polypropylene (PP-B) materials have been
       import was to cover domestic supply   deals worth $15mn                  selected by the consultant and contractor
       shortages in the period. The share of non-oil                            of the engineering, procurement and
       import remained dominant, accounting for   Abu Dhabi-based petrochemicals company   construction (EPC) works to manufacture
       67.2 per cent of the total, while petroleum   Borouge has secured two new contracts with   drainage pipelines of the third line of the
       products constituted the balance of 32.9   a combined value of AED 55 million ($15   Greater Cairo Metro project in Egypt.
       per cent.” New Telegraph reports that CBN   million).                      Through the partnership, Borouge will
       Governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele, had revealed   The deals will be for the supply of   provide its materials to Egyptian German
       at the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings in   polyolefins to Ducab, one of the country’s   Industrial Corporate (EGIC) to manufacture
       2021 that Nigeria spends almost 40per cent of   largest industrial manufacturing firms, and   the drainage pipes for the third phase of the
       its scarce foreign earnings on the importation   Union Pipes Industry (UPI), a pipe maker   third line of the metro project. EGIC approved
       of petroleum products and petrochemicals,   also based in the UAE.       Borouge’s materials after thorough testing by a
       a situation, he said, depletes the apex bank’s   “Both companies will use Borouge   leading German third-party laboratory.
       dollar buffers, thus putting pressure on the   materials to produce energy and   Khalfan AlMuhairi, Senior Vice President

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