Page 19 - DMEA Week 02 2023
P. 19
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global to halt Russian oil imports on January 1, even
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join though the EU embargo on crude supplies from
our team of international editors, who provide a the country, imposed in December, only extends
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their to seaborne deliveries and not those via pipeline.
regional beats.
By clicking on the headline link for each sec- GLNG: First US cargo reaches Wilhelmshaven
tion the full text will be available. The first shipment of US liquefied natural gas has
arrived in Germany at the Wilhelmshaven ter-
AfrOil: Eni plans 2nd Congo FLNG unit minal, according to German energy firm Uniper.
Italy’s Eni revealed on December 22 that it has The supplier was US company Venture
arranged to deploy and install a second floating Global Calcasieu Pass, which sent 97.1mn cubic
LNG unit at the Marine XII block located off- metres of natural gas, enough to power around
shore Republic of Congo. 50,000 German households for a year.
The Italian major acquired the first unit – the
Tango FLNG, which has a production capacity LatAmOil: CVX to kick off Venezuela exports
of 600,000 tonnes per year – for Marine XII last The US oil company Chevron is reportedly
August. preparing to resume shipments of Venezuelan
crude oil after a hiatus of nearly four years.
AsianOil: China, Philippines strike deal An anonymous source familiar with the mat-
China and the Philippines have agreed to resume ter informed Reuters in the last week of Decem-
talks on joint exploration for oil and gas in the ber that the US major was sending two tankers
disputed portion of the South China Sea, a to the South American country.
month after Manila broke off negotiations.
The two countries agreed on January 5 to set MEOG: Zenith to buy OMV’s Yemeni assets
up a direct communications channel between A Dutch affiliate of Canada-based Zenith
their foreign ministries to handle the dispute Energy has entered a share purchase agreement
peacefully. to acquire Austrian firm OMV’s assets in Yemen
in a deal worth just over $21.6mn
EurOil: Germany, Norway join forces The assets comprise Block S-2, which con-
Norway and Germany have announced plans to tains the 6,000 barrel per day al-Uqlah oilfield,
expand their co-operation in the development Block 3 ‘Jardan’ and Block 70, which are in the
of renewable energy and other low-carbon exploratory phase and have estimated resources
technologies, their governments announced on of 60mn and 70mn barrels respectively.
January 5.
The two countries referred to offshore wind NorthAmOil: Marathon buys Ensign assets
power, hydrogen, battery technology and car- Marathon Oil has closed the acquisition from
bon capture and storage as areas they would Ensign Natural Resources of Eagle Ford shale
focus on. acreage for $3bn in cash.
The deal had been announced in early
FSUOGM: Kazakhstan to supply Germany November. The assets – in the core of the play
Kazakhstan is seeking to pump oil to Germany – nearly double Marathon’s Eagle Ford posi-
via the Druzhba pipeline system, helping the lat- tion to 290,000 net acres (117,350 hectares) and
ter replace lost Russian volumes. are adjacent to Marathon’s existing Eagle Ford
Germany has followed through on a pledge wells.
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Week 02 12•January•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P19