Page 17 - DMEA Week 02 2023
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       Regional, Middle East and Africa, Borouge,   The smooth inner walls of the pipes ensure   The third line of Greater Cairo Metro
       said: “We are delighted to be selected to   high gravity flow rates and minimise the   recently won the Arab Government
       partner with EGIC on this major and   risk of blockage whilst their excellent impact   Excellence Award under the category of
       important infrastructure project in Egypt.   resistance ability makes them simple to install   ‘Best Arab Government Infrastructure
       Borouge’s materials were selected as the   especially in winter. Borouge’s materials are   Development Project’.
       optimum choice by the project team for   designed to meet the highest demands due to   Borouge’s sustainable piping solutions
       the third phase of Greater Cairo Metro   their high impact resistance combined with   have been used in various key development
       Line 3 given their market leading durability   good stiffness, excellent chemical resistance   projects across the MENA region such as
       and reliability qualities. We expect the   and temperature performance.  Bahr Al Baqar Wastewater Plant, the world’s
       partnership with EGIC to be the start of a   The third line of the metro is considered   largest water treatment plant; and the Jubail-
       long and mutually beneficial relationship   the first transverse route to connect the east   Riyadh water transmission line, one of the
       that will provide more business and growth   and west of Greater Cairo as it covers a length   world’s largest. Borouge’s ‘Made in UAE’
       opportunities to Borouge, as we continue   of 41.2 km and includes 34 stations. It is   infrastructure solutions are ideally suitable
       to meet the highest customer demands and   implemented in four stages. Three stages have   to make safe, reliable and durable pipelines
       boost the sustainability of piping networks,   already been completed and are operational   that are carefully developed using unique
       helping to eliminate leakage, and offer energy   covering a length of about 24 km. The third   advanced technologies to withstand long
       savings.”                           phase of third line of the Greater Cairo Metro   operational durations.
         Pipes made from PP-B materials    covers 17.7 km in length and includes 15   ZAWYA
       are recognised for their flexibility and   stations (8 underground, 5 elevated and 2
       contribution to reducing the risk of leakage.   grade level).

       Week 02   12•January•2023                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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