Page 15 - DMEA Week 02 2023
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              REFINING                             Diwaniyah refinery with a capacity of 70
                                                                                thousand barrels, in addition to the imminent
       PM Masrour Barzani meets  Oil Ministry offers                            start of actual production of the Karbala
                                                                                oil refinery with a capacity of 140 thousand
       with top Iraqi judicial             investment opportunities in          barrels per day.
                                                                                IRAQI NEWS
       official                            refining sector

       Kurdistan Region Prime Minister (PM)   The Iraqi Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-  FUELS
       Masrour Barzani on Wednesday met with   Ghani, announced on Wednesday that a
       Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council Chairman   number of investment opportunities will soon   CBN: subsidy costs N5.41trn
       Faiq Zedan in Baghdad.              be offered in the refining sector, according to
         “The two sides agreed on the importance   the Oil Ministry statement cited by the Iraqi   in 10 months
       of resolving the issues between the Kurdistan   News Agency (INA).
       Region and the federal government on the   Abdul-Ghani explained that a number   Against the background of a lingering fuel
       basis of the constitution and in the interest   of investment opportunities will soon be   scarcity that has negatively affected socio-
       of all Iraqi citizens,” the Kurdistan Regional   presented in the refining sector in some   economic activities, latest data released by the
       Government (KRG) said in a statement.  governorates in northern, central and   Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) shows that the
         Iraq’s Federal Court in February   southern parts of the country, the statement   country spent a total of $12.44billion (about
       claimed that the Kurdistan oil and gas law   mentioned.                  N5.41trillion) on importation of petroleum
       “unconstitutional”, a decision the KRG has    The ministry, within plans to increase   products between January and October last
       strongly rejected, and described as “politically   refining capacities, will offer investment   year. Specifically, New Telegraph’s analysis of
       motivated”.                         opportunities in the Al-Amarah refinery in   the October 2022 Economic Report as well as
         The Kurdish PM arrived in Baghdad on an   Maysan governorate with a capacity of 150   the Q3’22 Economic Report recently released
       official visit early Wednesday. He has also met   thousand barrels per day, the Muthanna   by the apex bank indicates that petroleum
       with the Iraqi president, the Iraqi PM, and the   refinery with a capacity of 100 thousand   products import gulped $1.24 billion in
       Jordanian speaker of parliament.    barrels per day, the Kirkuk refinery with a   October and $3.73billion and $3.26billion in
         PM Barzani on Wednesday discussed   capacity of 100 thousand barrels per day,   Q3 and Q2’22 respectively.
       Kurdistan’s share in the federal budget with   and the Qayyarah refinery with a capacity of   Given that the CBN had stated in its Q1’22
       Iraqi PM Mohammad Shia’ Al-Sudani and   70 thousand barrels per day, the statement   Economic Report that $4.21billion was spent
       the outstanding issues between Erbil and   explained.                    on petroleum products import between
       Baghdad, the 2023 Iraqi budget, oil and gas   The opportunities also include an   January and March last year, it means the
       law, the disputed territories, and Peshmerga   additional unit with a capacity of 70 thousand   country spent a total of $12.44billion on the
       forces.                             barrels per day to be added to Dhi Qar   oil imports in the first 10 months of 2022.
         The Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council is   refinery which already produces 30 thousand   While Nigeria is one of Africa’s largest crude
       the highest judicial authority in the country   barrels, in addition to the establishment of a   oil producers, the country’s inability to ensure
       and consists of several courts, including   new refinery in Dhi Qar governorate with a   that its four refineries, with a combined
       the Federal Court of Cassation and Public   capacity of 150 thousand barrels per day, the   capacity of 445,000 barrels per day (bpd),
       Prosecution.                        statement revealed.                  efficiently process oil, meant that it depended
       KURDISTAN24                           The Ministry of Oil announced earlier   heavily on petroleum products import.
                                           it is adding a new production unit in the   So, even when external shocks, such as

       Week 02   12•January•2023                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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