Page 14 - DMEA Week 02 2023
P. 14
Sinopec wins Zarqa
refinery expansion work
MIDDLE EAST CHINA’S Sinopec Engineering has been fuel oil production and increasing that of gasoil,
awarded a $3bn contract for the expansion of jet fuel and gasoline and catering to around 90%
Jordan’s Zarqa oil refinery, more than five years of the Kingdom’s demand.
after work on the upgrade originally began. In 2017, JoPetrol hired Honeywell and KBR
The contract was awarded last week by Jor- for engineering work on the project, which was
dan Petroleum Refinery Co. (JoPetrol), and Sin- at that time expected to cost around $1.6bn.
opec will collaborate on the expansion – Zarqa’s Spain’s Tecnicas Reunidas was then hired to
fourth – alongside Italy’s Tecnimont and Japa- carry out front-end engineering and design
nese firm Itochu Corp. (FEED) work with TechnipFMC, the project
The so-called Project Petra will see the facili- management consultant (PMC).
ty’s capacity rise from the current level of 60,000 Zarqa is receiving truckloads of crude from
barrels per day (bpd) to 150,000 bpd. Together, Iraq ad is expected to be hooked up to an oil
the three firms will carry out construction work export pipeline connecting Iraq’s Basra Gover-
on the new production facilities, and public and norate to the Red Sea port of Aqaba. The long-
facility work outside the battery limits (OSBL). awaited project will be divided into two parts: the
JoPetrol had been considering bids since they first phase includes installing a 56-inch (1,422-
were received from engineering firms in October mm), 680-km pipeline with a capacity of 2.25mn
2021 following the launch of a tender in January bpd from the Rumaila oilfield to Najaf, built in
that year. three phases.
The company said at the time that it had The second package covers the installation
received bids from “three consortiums compris- of a 42-inch (1,066-mm), 973-km pipeline from
ing seven major Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Ital- Najaf to the Jordanian border and on to Aqaba
ian, Spanish and English companies”. with a capacity of 1mn bpd. The latter will
The expansion is also intended to improve the include a spur carrying 150,000 bpd to Zarqa
environmental performance of Zarqa, lowering and covering its full capacity.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 02 12•January•2023