Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 30 2021
P. 9
Eagle LNG, APC, APUA begin work
on LNG-to-power project in Antigua
US-BASED Eagle LNG Partners and its part- Ambassador Tagliatela also stressed this
ners Antigua Power Company (APC) and the point. “I am confident that this new partnership
Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA) have will put Antigua and Barbuda on the path to
begun executing an LNG-to-power project on further low-carbon solutions,” she commented.
the island of Antigua. Meanwhile, Sean Lalani, the president of
According to a statement from the US Eagle LNG, noted that the gas delivered to the
Embassy in Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean new TPP in Antigua would be sourced from
and the OECS, the three companies broke the US. “Eagle LNG Partners has been deliv-
ground on a new thermal power plant (TPP) ering LNG in the Caribbean for a number of
that will use regasified LNG as a source of fuel. years now and is pleased to add Antigua and its
They marked the event in a ceremony that was neighbours as the recipients of clean, affordable
also attended by Linda Taglialatela, the US and assured supply of liquefied natural gas from
ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda and the our Jacksonville, Florida production facility,” he
Eastern Caribbean. said. “Our partners, APC and APUA Electricity,
The TPP is being built in Crabbs, a town on are an integral part of our plans to invest in and
the Crabbs Peninsula on Antigua’s northern grow jobs for Antigua.”
coast. The area is already home to a 50.9-MW The statement also noted that the US
TPP that burns petroleum products, but the new Embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados, had helped
plant will be the first gas-fired facility of its kind foster the connection between Eagle LNG, APC
on the island. and APUA. “Eagle LNG, a Texas-based com-
No information was available as of press time pany, was introduced to the APC through the
on the value of the project, the generating capac- US Embassy in Bridgetown’s Gold Key Match-
ity of the new TPP or the volumes of LNG slated making Service, whereby the embassy screens,
for delivery to Antigua. qualifies and arranges meetings with potential
The project will help the island switch to a agents, distributors or other business partners
cleaner-burning fuel for electricity generation. for American companies,” it explained.
Andre Matthias, the manager of APUA’s elec- Eagle LNG is already active in Antigua and
tricity business unit, highlighted this goal, say- Barbuda. Last year, the company signed a long-
ing: “This LNG project will ensure that we satisfy term agreement with Barbuda Ocean Club, the
the government’s mandate in reducing carbon operator of a new resort community operated by
emissions and at the same time maintaining Scottsdale, Arizona-based Discovery Land Part-
the stability of the grid as we add additional ners. At the time, Eagle LNG said it had agreed
generation.” to supply the resort with LNG from its gas lique-
Likewise, Francis Hadeed, the chairman of faction plant and export facility in Jacksonville.
APC, said: “For over twenty-five years, the APC It also explained that it had agreed to provide
has been in the power generation industry. We an integrated turn-key solution for delivery
are pleased to be partnering with Eagle LNG to and regasification of the LNG, which Barbuda
introduce clean liquefied natural gas to Antigua Ocean Club intends to use as a fuel for power
and Barbuda and the wider Caribbean.” generation.
Eagle LNG will deliver fuel for the new TPP in Crabbs (Photo: Eagle LNG Partners)
Week 30 29•July•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P9