Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 30 2021
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INVESTMENT Ltda., which holds the remaining 49% of the mixed economy companies, provided for in
shares. Decree 9,188/2017.
Petrobras signs contract company, created in 2020, with the objective of ny’s portfolio optimisation strategy and cap-
About Compass: Compass is a Cosan Group
This operation is aligned with the compa-
for the sale of Gaspetro operating in the gas and energy segment. Cur- ital allocation improvement, aiming at value
rently, in addition to gas infrastructure projects, maximisation.
Petrobras, following up on the releases dis- marketing and power generation, Compass is About the power companies: TEP is a holding
closed on July 10, 2020, and December 30, 2020, the parent company of Comgás, the country’s company controlled by GPE (holding 80% of its
informs that it has signed a contract with the largest gas distributor with more than 19,000 km capital stock, Petrobras holding the remaining
company Compass Gás e Energia S.A. (Com- of installed network and 2.1mn customers, pres- 20%) that holds direct equity stakes in Areia
pass) for the sale of all its stake (51%) in Petro- ent in 94 municipalities in the state of São Paulo. Energia S.A. and Água Limpa Energia S.A.,
bras Gás S.A. (Gaspetro). The Cosan Group, in turn, in addition to the owners of small hydroelectric plants, located in
The sale value is BRL2.03bn, to be paid at gas and energy segment, is active in the produc- Tocantins, with installed capacities of 11.4 MW
closing, subject to the adjustments provided for tion of sugar, ethanol, bioenergy, distribution and 14.0 MW respectively. In addition, TEP
in the contract. and marketing of fuels, through Raízen (joint owns 60% of CEM’s share capital (Petrobras
The closing of the transaction is subject to venture between Cosan and Shell), in the lubri- owns the other 40%). CEM owns a natural gas
compliance with precedent conditions, such as cants segment, through Moove, and in logistics, thermoelectric plant located in the state of Ama-
the approval by the Administrative Council for through Rumo. zonas, with 85.4 MW of installed capacity.
Economic Defense (CADE). In addition, until Petrobras, July 28 2021 About GPE: GPE has operated in the power
the closing Petrobras will observe the provi- generation segment since 2001, controlling
sions contained in the shareholders’ agreements Petrobras signs contract for seven plants distributed in the states of Rio
of Gaspetro and the natural gas distributors, Grande do Norte, Amazonas, Tocantins and
including the right of preference, as applicable. sale of power companies Bahia. GPE recently signed a contract with
This disclosure to the market is in accord- Petrobras to buy three more thermoelectric
ance with Petrobras’ internal rules and with the Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed plants, located in the Camaçari Industrial Clus-
special regime for divestment of assets by fed- on September 11, 2020, informs that today it ter in the state of Bahia.
eral mixed economy companies, provided for in signed contracts for the sale of its 20% stakes in Petrobras, July 28 2021
Decree 9,188/2017. Termelétrica Potiguar S.A. (TEP) and 40% in
This transaction is aligned with the Term Companhia Energética Manauara S.A. (CEM)
of Cessation Commitment (TCC) signed with to Global Participações Energia S.A. (GPE), FINANCE
CADE, in July 2019, to promote competition in through its subsidiaries GFT Participações S.A.
the natural gas sector in Brazil, as well as with the and GFM Participações S.A., respectively. The Petrobras comments on
strategy to optimise the portfolio and improve total amount of the transactions is BRL160.3mn,
the allocation of the company’s capital, aiming of which BRL81.3mn by TEP and BRL79mn by S&P global ratings upgrade
to generate value. CEM, to be paid upon closing of the transac-
About Gaspetro: Gaspetro is a holding com- tions, subject to the adjustments provided for in Petrobras informs that the rating agency S&P
pany with equity participation in 19 natural gas the contracts. Global Ratings (S&P) raised its stand-alone
distribution companies, located in all regions of The transactions are subject to the fulfillment credit profile (intrinsic risk) by one notch, from
Brazil. Its distribution networks total approx- of precedent conditions, such as approval by the bb to bb+.
imately 10,000 km, serving more than 500,000 Administrative Council for Economic Defense The agency affirmed the global scale rating of
customers, with a distributed volume of about (CADE). the company’s corporate debt at BB-, two levels
29mn cubic metres per day. This disclosure to the market is in accordance below the stand-alone credit profile, due to Bra-
Its shareholders are Petrobras, with 51% of with Petrobras’ internal rules and with the spe- zil’s sovereign rating cap. The stable outlook was
the shares, and Mitsui Gás e Energia do Brasil cial regime for divestment of assets by federal maintained.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 30 29•July•2021