Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 30 2021
P. 17
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global Directorate reported on July 7. Eight discoveries
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join were made during the six-month period, with a
our team of international editors, who provide a combined mid-range resource estimate of more
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their than 400mn barrels of oil equivalent.
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new
concise format, but by clicking on the headline FSU OGM: Russia open to continuing
link for each section the full text will be available Ukraine gas transit
as before. Russia is open to continuing natural gas transits
via Ukraine after its current contract with Kyiv
AfrOil: More gas for Hilli Episeyo FLNG expires at the end of 2024, Kremlin spokesman
Perenco (UK/France) and Société Nationale des Dmitry Peskov told reporters on July 22. Peskov
Hydrocarbures (SNH), the national oil company was responding to a joint statement issued by
of Cameroon, have arranged to increase the Germany and the US on July 21, in which they
total volume of natural gas delivered to the Hilli declared they would let Nord Stream 2 go ahead
Episeyo, a floating LNG (FLNG) vessel owned but would punish Russia if it tried to use the
by Bermuda-registered Golar LNG. According pipeline as a weapon.
to Golar LNG, the parties have struck a deal that
provides for Perenco and SNH to deliver enough GLNG: Port Arthur LNG plans suffer
additional gas to boost the FLNG’s production another blow
capacity to 1.4mn tonnes per year in 2022. US-based Sempra Energy announced this week
that it had signed a memorandum of under-
AsianOil: India OKs two new SPR sites standing with Poland’s PGNiG for the potential
India’s government has approved plans to build purchase of around 2mn tonnes per year of LNG.
two underground crude oil storage facilities that The preliminary deal potentially spells bad news
will expand the country’s strategic petroleum for Sempra’s proposed Port Arthur LNG export
reserve (SPR) capacity by 6.5mn tonnes. The project in Texas.
central government allocated INR2.1bn
($28.18mn) in fiscal year 2020-2021 to acquire MEOG: Deals and details
the land needed for a 4mn tonne (43.98mn bar- Under a new deal between Iraq’s Ministry of
rel) facility in Odisha State and a 2.5mn tonne Oil and TotalEnergies, the French company
(18.3mn barrel) facility in Karnataka State. intends to carry out work on projects in oil, gas
and renewables. Meanwhile, outgoing Iranian
DMEA: Pipe freeze and sanctions scrutiny Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zanganeh said last
Israel’s Ministry of Environmental Protection week that the new Goreh-Jask pipeline will reach
this week announced that it was delaying the full design capacity of 1mn barrels per day by
development of an oil transmission project that the end of the current Iranian calendar year in
will pipe Emirati oil from the Red Sea directly to March 2022.
the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, despite having
been blacklisted by the US two years ago, China NorthAmOil: Shell announces Whale FID A
Concord Petroleum Co. (CCPC) has reportedly subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell announced
become a key player in the trade of Iranian oil. this week that it had made a final investment
decision (FID) on the Whale project in the US
EurOil: Norway enjoys a good year Gulf of Mexico. Shell Offshore said Whale would
Activity on the Norwegian Continental Shelf entail 99% replication of the hull and 80% repli-
has been high this month, supported by a rally cation of the topsides from the company’s Vito
in oil and gas prices, the Norwegian Petroleum project.
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Week 30 29•July•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P17