Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 30 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The claimant is requesting the Court to issue a
       preliminary injunctive relief measure to cause
       the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and
       Ecopetrol “to refrain from continuing the pro-
       cess to sell the Nation’s share ownership in ISA
       to Ecopetrol.”
         Ecopetrol opposes the injunctive relief on
       the grounds that the claim has no legal basis.
       In its statement, Ecopetrol exposes the techni-
       cal, financial, and legal arguments that show
       that Fundación Dilo Colombia did not comply
       with the legal requirements for said preliminary
       injunctive relief measure to be granted. In addi-
       tion, Ecopetrol explained that the potential sale
       of the Nation’s ownership in ISA is allowed by
       Colombian legislation, maximises benefits to the
       Nation and to Ecopetrol, and does not threaten
       or violate any of the collective rights invoked by
       the claimant.
         Ecopetrol will continue to defend the legality
       of the potential ISA transaction in all stages of
       the judicial process described herein.  proceedings, and the amount of BRL30.2bn,  this milestone, particularly given that drill-
         Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colom-  classified as possible loss, is included as non-pro-  ing began in May 2020 during the COVID-19
       bia and one of the main integrated oil and gas  visioned judicial proceedings.  pandemic,” said Eugene Okpere, Shell’s Senior
       conglomerates in Latin America, with more than   Petrobras informs that today’s decision may  VP and Country Chair. “Our execution strat-
       13,000 employees.                   be appealed and is evaluating whether there will  egy had to be completely overhauled to deliver
         It accounts for more than 60% of the hydro-  be effects on its financial statements.  our business plan, all while working remotely.
       carbon production in Colombia, and it owns   Petrobras, July 28 2021     It required tremendous resilience, adaptability
       the largest refineries and most of the country’s                         and commitment.”
       oil-pipelines and multi-purpose pipelines net-                             The ECMA is one of the most prolific
       work. It also participates in the commerciali-  UPSTREAM                 gas-producing areas in Trinidad and Tobago.
       sation of energy and in the distribution of gas.                         As part of Shell’s development strategy, the com-
       At the international level, Ecopetrol focuses   Shell delivers first gas    pany has sought ways to access the significant
       on strategic basins on the American continent,                           volumes that exist in the ECMA and to bring
       with E&P operations in the United States (the   from Barracuda project   them online.
       Permian basin and the Gulf of Mexico), Brazil                              Background: First gas at Barracuda was
       and Mexico.                         Shell Trinidad and Tobago (through BG Inter-  reached on July 18, 2021, and the estimated
       Ecopetrol, July 29 2021             national, a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell) has  production for Barracuda represents 100% total
                                           announced that production has started on Block  gross figures.
       Petrobras comments                  5C in the East Coast Marine Area (ECMA) in   The Barracuda project comprises two sub-
                                           Trinidad and Tobago. This marks a significant  sea wells (both 100% Shell owned), one in the
       on favourable decision              milestone in the delivery of gas both domesti-  Endeavour field and the other in the Bounty
                                           cally and internationally through Atlantic LNG.
                                                                                field. Both are tied back to Shell’s Dolphin
       related to labour lawsuit           resilience and competitiveness of Shell’s position   These are two of the deepest development
                                              “Today’s announcement strengthens the  platform.
       Petrobras informs that, on this date, it became  in Trinidad and Tobago,” said Maarten Wetse-  wells in Trinidad and Tobago; Endeavour was
       aware of a favourable decision handed down by  laar, Director of Integrated Gas, Renewable and  drilled to a depth of 20,000 feet (6,096 metres),
       the Minister Reporter of the Federal Supreme  Energy Solutions. “This is a key growth oppor-  while Bounty was drilled to a depth of 16,000 feet
       Court, in appeals filed against the decision of the  tunity that supports our long-term strategy in  (4,877 metres).
       Superior Labor Court on the review of the meth-  the country as well as our global LNG growth   Shell now looks forward to the delivery of the
       odology for calculating the Minimum Compen-  ambitions.”                 four-well development project in Block 22 and
       sation Per Level and Working Regime (RMNR)   Block 5C, known as Project Barracuda, is a  NCMA 4, known as the Colibri project. This is
       complement.                         backfill project with approximately 25,000 bar-  a joint venture with Heritage Petroleum Com-
         The Reporting Minister’s decision recognises  rels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) or 140 mcf  pany Limited. First gas from Colibri is expected
       the validity of the collective bargaining agree-  per day of sustained near-term gas production  in 2022.
       ment freely entered into between Petrobras and  with peak production expected to be approx-  Shell is a major shareholder in Atlantic LNG,
       the unions, reversing the Superior Labor Court  imately 40,000 boepd (220 mcf per day). It is  a significant global producer of LNG. Our equity
       decision.                           Shell’s first greenfield project in the country and  in the Atlantic plant ranges from 46% to 57.5% in
         In the quarterly report of March 31, 2021,  one of its largest in Trinidad and Tobago since  each of the four trains at the facility.
       for these processes, the amount of BRL700mn,  the BG Group acquisition.    Shell announced a Final Investment Decision
       classified as probable loss, is recognised in liabil-  “We are immensely proud of our people  (FID) for Project Barracuda in January 2020.
       ities as provision for judicial and administrative  and the remarkable work it took to achieve   Shell, July 22 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2021
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