Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 30 2021
P. 15
“This upgrade is a recognition of Petrobras’ com-
mitment to improving its financial leverage and
generating more value. We will continue exe-
cuting our strategies to make further progress,”
highlighted the Chief Financial and Investor
Relations Officer, Rodrigo Araujo Alves.
S&P emphasised that the stand-alone credit
profile upgrade reflects the improvement in the
company’s capital structure, the solid cash gen-
eration, and the progress in the asset sales pro-
gramme. It also highlighted the focus on cost
reduction, efficiency gains, and the company’s
strong competitive position.
Petrobras, July 28 2021
Ricardo supports Mexico climate change and air pollution impacts of the offers us the necessary support to venture into
transport of goods through a series of practical the cloud successfully, guaranteeing the techno-
in drive to reduce freight actions. logical evolution of the solution and, of course,
Specialists will provide regulatory advice to compliance with required service levels.”
emissions the Mexican Ministry of Environment on how With Open Smartflex, Petroperú will be able
to implement the regulations on air pollution to take advantage of a software solution that will
Experts from global energy and environment standards for trucks. Ricardo and partners will allow it to unify the commercial and operational
consultancy Ricardo are leading an interna- also engage in capacity building efforts, looking management of its three service areas in a single
tional consortium to support the Mexican Gov- at training courses and case studies covering system, thereby enabling a 360° view of its cus-
ernment’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) telematic applications for fleet management and tomers, as well as online information, updated in
emissions in the freight sector. eco-driving. real-time and with 24/7 availability.
“Initiatives addressing greenhouse gas emis- Further support will come from pilot projects Laura Tobaría, Vice President of Business
sions will also improve urban air pollution and at the sub-national level, helping regions and cit- Development at Open International, com-
noise levels that negatively affect Mexican cities.” ies test new business models for more effective mented: “We are committed to the success of
Over the next 12 months, specialists in sus- vehicle scrapping policies, fleet renewal schemes Petroperú’s operation and to the development
tainable transport will work with organisa- and urban logistics approaches. of the natural gas industry in this country. With
tions, including Mexico-based Centro Mario The project will support the cooperation this operation, we can now consider ourselves
Molina and Urbanistica, to provide advice to between Mexico and Germany, which aims to as the most utilised solution by gas distribu-
the German Agency for International Cooper- promote climate mitigation efforts in Mexico’s tion companies in Peru, reaching around 5mn
ation (GIZ) as part of the Sustainable Transport road freight sector by supporting ministries, homes and properties supported by our system
Programme. authorities and companies. on cloud platforms”.
The country’s commitment to reducing Ricardo, July 27 2021 Open International, July 19 2021
GHGs by 22% by 2030 depends on the suc-
cessful decarbonisation of its transport sector,
which contributes to 25% of total CO2 emissions TECHNOLOGY LEGAL
nationally. Road activity is responsible for 97%
of all transport emissions and freight transport Petroperú will implement Ecopetrol opposes
plays a key role by moving nearly 75% of land-
based cargo across the country while railways Open Smartflex in the cloud preliminary injunctive
serve the remaining transport flows.
Lorenzo Casullo, Associate Director, said: Open International is pleased to announce that it relief requested in suit
“Initiatives addressing greenhouse gas emis- has signed an agreement with Petroperú, a Peru-
sions will also improve urban air pollution and vian company in charge of the interim admin- filed against ISA sale
noise levels that negatively affect Mexican cities. istration of the Concession of the Natural Gas
This project demonstrates our growing influence Distribution System by Pipeline Network of the Ecopetrol hereby reports that on July 28, 2021,
in Central and Latin American countries as we Southwest Concession, in the cities of Arequipa, it filed a statement in opposition to the prelim-
continue to win more work across the region. Moquegua, Ilo and Tacna, to support its billing, inary injunctive relief requested within a public
Being able to deliver the entire project in Span- collection, sales and customer service processes action (acción popular) to which it was named
ish, thanks to the multi-lingual capabilities of with Open Smartflex. as defendant by means of a judicial order noti-
our team, is a bonus for us and shows the global In this regard, Irene Cueva, Head of Cus- fied on July 21, 2021. The acción popular is being
support Ricardo is able to offer.” tomer Service and Systems of Petroperú’s Nat- processed by the First Section of the Adminis-
Ricardo’s focus will be on green freight, help- ural Gas Management, commented: “We opted trative Court of Cundinamarca and was filed by
ing national and local policy makers, as well as for the deployment of Open Smartflex under Fundación Defensa de la Información Legal y
freight operators based in Mexico, to reduce the an IaaS model because we believe that Open Oportunidad (Dilo Colombia).
Week 30 29•July•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P15