Page 22 - Small Stans and Causcasus Outlook 2022
P. 22

2.5 Macroeconomy - Armenia

        Main source: Armstat, Armenia Statistical Yearbook 2021
        Others hyperlinked in category

         XXX  key economic figures and forecasts

                                            2016      2017      2018      2019       2020      2021       2022

         Nominal GDP (EUR bn)               9.065     9.954     10.764    11.705    11.058     13.61       ?

         Real GDP (% yoy)                    0.2       7.5       5.2       7.6       -7.6       6.1        4.5

         Industrial output (% yoy)                     16.6      5.6       7.9       0.0       1.1 (to     ?

         Unemployment rate (avg, %)         17.6       17.7      19.0      18.8      20.2       18.5      18.3
         Nominal industrial wages (% yoy)                                                                  ?

         Producer prices (avg, % yoy)                                                                      ?

         Consumer prices (avg, % yoy)                  3.7       -0.1      -1.1      3.0        6.9        7.3

         Consumer prices (eop, % yoy)                                                                      ?

         General budget balance (% of GDP)   -5.5      -4.8      -1.6      -0.8      -5.1                  ?

         Public debt (% of GDP)             51.4       58.4      51.0      50.0      63.5       62.2      60.1

         Current account balance (% of GDP)  -1.0      -1.5      -6.9      -7.2      -3.8       -2.9       -4

        22 Small Stans  & South Caucasus Outlook 2022                                
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