Page 7 - GLNG Week 45 2022
P. 7
Commissioner Maggy Shino declared that it seems unlikely that any definitive conclusion
African governments’ need to improve citizens’ will be reached before COP27 draws to a close
access to energy outweighed other considera- on November 18.
tions. “There [are] a lot of oil and gas companies Instead, African governments and IOCs will
present at COP because Africa wants to send a continue to announce, as they have been doing
message that we are going to develop all of our since the start of November, the roll-out of new
energy resources for the benefit of our people green hydrogen projects, while some African
because our issue is energy poverty,” she stated. officials and African observers will continue to
She also pointed out that Western critics of make a case for hydrocarbons, as they have been
African gas projects had not offered adequate doing all along. Meanwhile, European gas buyers
concrete support for alternative solutions. “If and European oil companies will also continue
you are going to tell us to leave our resources in discussing investments in African gas projects –
the ground, then you must be prepared to offer again, as they have been doing at least since the
sufficient compensation. But I don’t think any- outbreak of war in Ukraine.
one has yet come out to make such an offer,” she In short, COP27 will have an effect on
remarked. headlines, but the extent to which it will
have a concrete impact, especially in the
No definitive conclusions short term, remains to be seen.
Given that this is a subject of an ongoing debate,
Week 45 10•November•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P7