Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2023
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       CNRL reports record profits

       as Canadian upstream

       investment rises

       Canadian Natural Resources Ltd has posted record profits for 2022,

       with the result coming amid predictions of investment in Canada’s
       oil and gas industry continuing to rise

        CANADA           CANADIAN Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL)  CAD0.90 ($0.65) per common share, up from
                         has reported record profits for the whole of 2022,  CAD0.85 ($0.61) per common share.
       WHAT:             bolstered by oil prices hitting a 14-year-high last   CNRL delivered around CAD10.5bn
       CNRL achieved record   year, even though they subsequently fell back  ($7.6bn) in shareholder returns in 2022. This
       profits in 2022.  somewhat. The result is in line with a strong per-  consisted of CAD5.6bn ($4.0bn) in share repur-
                         formance seen across all of Canada’s leading pro-  chases and CAD4.9bn ($3.5bn) in dividends.
       WHY:              ducers. And while it comes as these companies  This equated to roughly CAD9.25 ($6.69) per
       Oil prices rose to multi-  continue to prioritise returns to shareholders,  share in direct returns to shareholders in 2022,
       year highs in the first half   there are expectations that investment in Can-  noted the company.
       of the year.      ada’s oil and gas industry will continue to grow   CNRL’s board of directors has also decided to
                         in 2023.                             accelerate shareholder returns to 100% of free
       WHAT NEXT:                                             cash flow when the company’s net debt reaches
       The Canadian Association   CNRL performance            CAD10bn ($7bn), representing an adjustment
       of Petroleum Producers   Calgary-based CNRL posted an annual profit  from the previous CAD8bn ($6bn) net debt
       is forecasting that   of CAD10.9bn ($8.0bn), up from CAD7.7bn  level.
       investment in the   ($5.6bn) a year earlier, and 2022 adjusted net   The increase in dividends and the policy of
       country’s oil and gas   earnings from operations of around CAD12.9bn  accelerated free cash flow made up for the quar-
       industry will continue to   ($8.8bn). Cash flows from operating activi-  terly earnings that missed outlooks, making the
       rise in 2023.     ties were about CAD19.4bn ($14.0bn) for the  company’s results “neutral”, an Eight Capital
                         year, with an adjusted funds flow of around  Research analyst, Phil Skolnick, told Reuters.  The result is in
                         CAD19.8bn ($14.3bn).                  CNRL achieved record annual production of
                           The company’s free cash flow was CAD10.9bn  1.3mn barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd)   line with a strong
                         ($7.9bn) and its base capital expenditures were  in 2022, an increase of 4% from 2021 levels, and   performance
                         about CAD4.0bn ($2.9bn).             8% growth on a production per share basis.
                           For the fourth quarter of 2022, CNRL   “This growth was largely driven by our strate-  seen across all of
                         reported adjusted net earnings of CAD1.5bn  gic investment in our robust natural gas assets,
                         ($1.1bn), or CAD1.96 ($1.42) per share, below  which grew 23% from 2021 levels, achieving  Canada’s leading
                         analysts’ average prediction of CAD2.27 ($1.64)  record annual natural gas production of approx-
                         per share.                           imately 2.1bn cubic feet (59.5mn cubic metres)   producers.
                           CNRL, Canada’s largest oil and gas pro-  per day,” said CNRL’s president, Tim McKay.
                         ducer, had its results affected by extreme winter   “Our culture of continuous improvement,
                         weather in December that disrupted its produc-  focus on cost control and disciplined capital
                         tion in the oil sands, but this was not enough  allocation continue to drive strong operational
                         to stop the company from achieving its record  and financial results, maximising value for
                         profit.                              shareholders,” he said.
                           The CNRL profit may have missed market   CNRL reported that because of extreme cold
                         expectations but it still means that Canada’s  weather in December 2022, it had to complete
                         five largest oil sands producers together earned  multiple mining equipment repairs, result-
                         CAD35bn ($25bn) in 2022, another record.  ing in reduced production at its Horizon oil
                           Because of its profitability, CNRL approved  sands plant that extended into January. This is
                         a 6% increase to the quarterly dividend to  expected to have an impact on production for

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   09•March•2023
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