Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2023
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Gulfport expects 2-6% net

       production increase in 2023

        US               GULFPORT Energy expects a 2-6% net produc-  per unit operating cost of around 7% compared
                         tion increase in 2023 compared with 2022. This  to 2022. Minimal, if any, service cost inflation is
                         would amount to an increase of 1,000mn cubic  anticipated in 2023, it added.
                         feet (28,317 cubic metres) per day to 1,040 mmcf   For the whole of 2022, Gulfport reported total
                         (39,644 cubic metres) per day, the company said.  net production of 983.4 mmcf (27.8mn cubic
                           Gulfport is an independent natural gas-  metres) per day, primarily consisting of 692.9
                         weighted exploration and production company  mmcf (19.6 mcm) per day in the Utica and 290.5   Gulfport also
                         focused on the Appalachia and Anadarko basins.  mmcf (8.2 mcm) per day in the SCOOP.
                         Its principal properties are located in eastern   Gulfport’s net daily production mix in 2022   increased the
                         Ohio – targeting the Utica formation – and in  was comprised of around 90% natural gas,
                         central Oklahoma targeting the South Central  7% natural gas liquids (NGLs) and 3% oil and   borrowing
                         Oklahoma Oil Province (SCOOP) Woodford  condensate.
                         and SCOOP Springer formations.         The company reported net income of   base under its
                           The company is planning to invest $450mn  $494.7mn in 2022 and $768.4mn of adjusted   revolving credit
                         in 2023, including $50-75mn on leasehold and  EBITDA. Gulfport generated $739.1mn of net
                         land investment.                     cash provided by operating activities over the   facility from
                           Gulfport has projected that its project drill-  year and $240.6mn of adjusted free cash flow.
                         ing and completion capital expenditures will   Gulfport also increased the borrowing   $850mn to
                         decrease by around 6% in 2023, compared with  base under its revolving credit facility from
                         2022. It anticipates turning 22-24 gross wells to  $850mn to $1.0bn and reduced its total debt   $1.0bn.
                         sales this year, which includes two wells target-  by $19mn.
                         ing the Marcellus shale, two wells in the SCOOP   The company reported total proven reserves
                         and the remaining wells targeting the Utica  of 4.0 trillion cubic feet (113.2bn cubic metres),
                         formation.                           an increase of 4% compared with 2021. Addi-
                           A Marcellus delineation test is planned in  tionally, it added incremental hedge positions
                         Belmont County, Ohio and could unlock valua-  for 2023 covering approximately 36% of pro-
                         ble inventory underlying the company’s current  duction with weighted-average floors of $3.76
                         acreage, said Gulfport.              per million British thermal units ($99.47 per
                           The company has also forecast a reduction  1,000 cubic metres).™

       Week 10   09•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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