Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2023
P. 12

NorthAmOil                               ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       Occidental unveils proposed

       CCUS hub on Gulf Coast

        TEXAS            OCCIDENTAL Petroleum  subsidiary 1Point-  Hollub, at the CERAWeek energy conference in
                         Five has announce d a plan to develop a carbon  Houston, Texas.
                         capture, utilisation and sequestration (CCUS)   Siemens will supply a motor-driven
                         hub on the Texas Gulf Coast.         13,000-horsepower (hp) fully modular wet gas
                           The 55,000-acre (222.6-square km) site is esti-  compressor package and a motor-driven 8,500-
                         mated to have the potential to store 1.2bn tonnes  hp dry gas compressor for the DAC plant. The
                         of carbon dioxide (CO2) to help industrial facil-  equipment will compress the captured CO2 for
                         ities remove emissions.              additional processing and pressurise the final
                           The Bluebonnet Hub would be located in  product into a pipeline for injection into under-
                         Chambers, Liberty and Jefferson counties, near  ground reservoirs, said Siemens.
                         refineries, chemical plants and manufacturing   The plant, on which construction started in
                         facilities along the Gulf Coast from Beaumont  2022, will be the world’s first large-scale DAC
                         to Houston. It is expected to be operational in  plant once completed.
                         2026.                                 “Technologies to effectively capture and
                           Bluebonnet would allow CO2 captured off-  sequester CO2 will be a necessity if we want to
                         site to be stored in natural geologic saline forma-  achieve our climate goals,” said Bruch. “Close
                         tions not associated with oil and gas production.  partnerships with partners like Occidental are
                           1PointFive said it had completed drilling a  the base to scale up innovative solutions,” he
                         stratigraphic test well and subsurface assess-  said.
                         ment to characterise the site’s ability to store   “We are leveraging Oxy’s core competence in
                         CO2. The company expects to apply for two  carbon management to capture and sequester
                         Class VI permits in 2023.            atmospheric carbon dioxide to help meet the
                           1PointFive and a subsidiary of midstream  goals of the Paris Agreement and reduce emis-
                         company Enterprise Products will also co-de-  sions globally,” added Hollub. “Our first DAC
                         velop transport so that CO2 can be gath-  plant will advance industrial-scale carbon cap-
                         ered from regional emitters and delivered to  ture to provide a solution to help Oxy and others
                         Bluebonnet.                          accelerate their respective paths to net zero.”
                           “This hub is located between two of the largest   The plant is expected to help decarbon-
                         industrial corridors in Texas so captured CO2  ise hard-to-abate industries that are trying to
                         can be efficiently transported and safely seques-  achieve net zero. Not only can captured CO2
                         tered,” said 1PointFive Sequestration’s president,  be sequestered deep underground in saline for-
                         Jeff Alvarez. “Rather than starting from scratch  mations, it can also be used to produce hydro-
                         with  individual  capture  and  sequestration  carbons to enable lower-carbon or net-zero
                         projects, companies can plug into this hub for  transport fuels or in products such as chemicals
                         access to shared carbon infrastructure,” he said.  and building materials, said Siemens.
                                                               Policy incentives, including the US Inflation
                           1PointFive uses Carbon Engineering’s direct
          Bluebonnet     air capture (DAC) and Air to Fuels technol-  Reduction Act (IRA) passed in August 2022,
         would allow     ogies alongside geologic sequestration hubs.  are accelerating DAC technology as a tool to
         CO2 captured    DAC uses chemical reactions to pull CO2 out  help organisations reduce their CO2 emissions,
                         of the atmosphere. Air to Fuels plants combine  noted Siemens.
         off-site to be   DAC technology with hydrogen generation   The US government is offering $3.5bn in
                         and fuel synthesis to deliver synthetic fuel that  funding to help build four DAC facilities in the
       stored in natural   is near-carbon neutral, according to Carbon  US. Occidental, however, has not commented
                                                              publicly on its plans with regard to the federal
                         Engineering’s website.
        geologic saline                                       funding.
          formations.    Siemens contract                      Occidental’s investment in lower-carbon pro-
                         Meanwhile, Siemens Energy has announced  jects will at least double to $200mn in 2023 and
                         that its compressors would be used at Occiden-  could rise to $600mn, the company announced
                         tal’s first large-scale DAC plant in Texas’ Permian  in February. It is planning to develop sev-
                         Basin, also being developed by 1PointFive.  eral lower-carbon projects along the US Gulf
                           The two compressor packages will enable the  Coast, using DAC, or point source capture and
                         plant to capture up to 500,000 tonnes per year  sequestration for industrial emissions – or both
                         (tpy) of CO2 when fully operational.  methods.
                           The announcement was made by Siemens   However, Occidental recently pushed back
                         Energy’s president and CEO, Christian Bruch,  the start-up of its first-large scale plant from
                         and Occidental’s president and CEO, Vicki  2024 to mid-2025.™

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