Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2023
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       MIDSTREAM                           DOWNSTREAM                           form a joint venture that will own and operate
                                                                                on-site power generation utilising captured
       Secure Energy to appeal             Quantum Fuel Systems                 flared natural gas to power Riley Permian’s
                                                                                operations in Yoakum County, Texas. The
       competition tribunal                announces a large-scale              Project will be completed in phases and will
                                                                                ultimately include 20 megawatts (MW) of
       decision on its merger with  order by VoltaGrid                          power. Phase 1 of the project will provide 10
                                                                                MW of on-site generation and is expected
       Tervita                             Quantum Fuel Systems, a fully integrated   to be operational by June 2023, with an
                                           alternative energy company, has been selected
                                                                                additional 10 MW in Phase 2 anticipated to be
       Secure Energy Services announced today that   by VoltaGrid to deliver industry-leading   operational by late 2023 or early 2024.
       the competition tribunal issued its decision in   natural gas virtual pipeline trailers that will   RILEY EXPLORATION PERMIAN, March 02,
       connection with Secure’s merger with Tervita.   grow VoltaGrid’s CNG delivery capabilities.   2023
       While the tribunal agreed with Secure that   The new order will enable VoltaGrid to
       not all of the 41 facilities the commissioner   significantly scale its CNG platform to   SLB introduces low-
       was seeking to have Secure dispose of should   over 180 CNG trailers with the additional
       be sold, it issued an order requiring Secure to   deliveries expected to start in Q3 2023.   carbon alternative for well
       divest of 17 treatment, recovery and disposal   Quantum will provide VoltaGrid with its
       facilities, 6 landfills, 4 water disposal wells   VPLite45/40 trailers, which have an industry-  construction cement
       and 2 disposal caverns all formerly owned   leading gaseous capacity of approximately
       by Tervita. This represented 29 of the 103   472,000 standard cubic feet and weigh   SLB today introduced the EcoShield™
       facilities acquired in connection with Secure’s   less than 59,000 pounds fully loaded.   geopolymer cement-free system that
       merger with Tervita.                The trailers are certified for use in the US   minimises the CO2 footprint of a well’s
         Secure will file a notice of appeal together   and are the leading choice for customers   construction. This innovative technology
       with a motion for a stay of the Tribunal’s order   needing a smaller, lighter trailer that is easily   eliminates up to 85 percent of embodied CO2
       within 30 days.                     manoeuvred in tight areas. VoltaGrid will   emissions compared with conventional well
         The merger with Tervita was completed   utilise the trailers in their work supplying   cementing systems, which include portland
       on July 2, 2021 pursuant to an arrangement   intelligent, affordable, clean and turnkey   cement. The EcoShield system has the
       agreement announced on March 9, 2021   power and fuel solutions for remote and grid-  potential to avoid up to 5 million metric tons
       under which Secure acquired all of the issued   parallel applications.   of CO2 emissions annually—the equivalent of
       and outstanding common shares of Tervita,   QUANTUM FUEL SYSTEMS, March 02, 2023  removing 1.1 million cars from the road each
       following which Tervita amalgamated with                                 year.
       Secure.                                                                    “Decarbonising the well construction
         The tribunal’s order to divest of the   SERVICES                       process while ensuring safety and
       facilities, if not overturned or modified on                             performance standards is critical to our
       appeal, could have a material impact on the   Conduit Power and Riley    industry’s pathway to net zero,” said Jesus
       business, financial condition or results of                              Lamas, SLB’s president of Well Construction.
       operations of the corporation. Secure would   Permian form joint venture  “The cement-free EcoShield system is a
       expect to receive sale proceeds relating to such                         breakthrough that delivers industry-standard
       divestitures which could mitigate, in whole or   Riley Exploration Permian, Inc. and Conduit   zonal isolation capabilities while significantly
       in part, any such impact.           Power, LLC, a portfolio company of Grey   minimising impact from upstream oil and gas
       SECURE ENERGY, March 04, 2023       Rock Investment Partners, today announced   production.”
                                           that they entered into definitive agreements to   In addition to its embodied CO2

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   09•March•2023
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