Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2023
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            Tamarack’s year end independent oil and gas   exceeded our original internal reserves
                                           reserves evaluation as of December 31, 2022,   estimates, with the most notable increase seen
       Lycos Energy announces              prepared by Tamarack’s independent qualified   for the Deltastream Energy acquisition assets
                                                                                which outperformed estimates by 27% on a
                                           reserves evaluator, GLJ.
       completion of strategic             transformation and operational execution as   proved developed producing (PDP) basis and
                                             2022 represented a year of continued
                                                                                12% on a TPP basis.
       Alberta heavy oil                   we drove towards the goal of repositioning    TAMARACK VALLEY ENERGY, March 01, 2023
                                           our business into the most profitable oil plays
       acquisition                         in North America. Tamarack completed   International Petroleum
                                           and integrated three material Clearwater
       Lycos Energy pleased to announce   acquisitions, positioning the company as   Corporation announces
       the addition of 1,500 boepd (100% oil)   a major producer in the Clearwater oil
       production and 1,808 mboe of producing   play. Furthermore, the divestment of two   completion of acquisition in
       reserves in the Lloydminster area. Lycos’ total   non-core assets contributed to the strategic
       current production is now over 2,700 boepd   rationalisation of our asset portfolio moving   Suffield, Alberta
       (99% oil).                          forward. Together with our ongoing base
         Lycos completed the acquisition on   asset development, our net CAD1.7bn of   International Petroleum Corporation is
       February 28, 2023 for a purchase price   2022 acquisition and disposition transactions   pleased to announce completion of the
       consisting of CAD50.0mn in cash and the   resulted in a year over year fourth quarter   acquisition of oil and gas assets in the Suffield
       grant of a 3% gross overriding royalty to the   production increase of 59% while also   area, southern Alberta on the terms as
       former ownership group on any newly drilled   achieving an uplift in our corporate liquids   previously announced on February 6, 2023.
       wells on the acquired lands.        weighting from 69% (Q4 2021) to 82% (Q4   Mike Nicholson, IPC’s chief executive
         The assets substantially increase Lycos’   2022).                      officer, commented: “We are very pleased to
       inventory of high rate, high return multi-  Operational execution was an important   complete the acquisition of almost 16 million
       lateral drilling locations, adding over 40 net   success factor in 2022, with fourth quarter   barrels of oil equivalent (boe) of proved
       locations within the Mannville Group. Lycos   production averaging 64,344 boepd, ahead of   plus probable (2P) reserves adjacent to our
       has operated the assets since the fall of 2021   our guidance range of 62,000-64,000 boepd,   existing Suffield area assets in Alberta. We
       and has drilled a total of 8 multi-laterals   despite unexpected downtime due to the   forecast average net daily production from
       on the assets. These wells have achieved an   extreme cold weather in December. Capital   these assets of approximately 4,000 boe for
       average IP90 of 197 boepd.          expenditures of CAD125mn during the   2023, with recent net daily production rates in
       LYCOS ENERGY, March 01, 2023        fourth quarter came in at the low end of our   excess of 5,000 boe. The 2023 Ellerslie drilling
                                           CAD125-135mn guidance range.         programme continues both on these acquired
       Tamarack Valley Energy              significant growth, and a shift in profitability,   lands and on IPC’s existing Suffield area assets.
                                             Our 2022 reserve report highlights the
                                                                                With strong operational performance across
       announces year-end 2022             of our reserves, which was driven by the   all of our areas of operations, IPC expects to
                                           development of our Clearwater and Charlie
                                                                                be above the high end of our average daily
       reserves                            Lake assets. Overall, Tamarack saw a material   production guidance for the first quarter of
                                           increase in our reserve portfolio to 242.2
       Tamarack Valley Energy is pleased to   mmboe and CAD5.0bn on a total proved plus   INTERNATIONAL PETROLEUM CORP., March
       announce its audited financial and operating   probable basis representing a 33% and 68%   06, 2023
       results for the three months and year ended   increase over 2021 respectively. The year-end
       December 31, 2022, and the results of   2022 reserves added through acquisition   Beta Shale sends letters of
                                                                                concern to PHX Minerals

                                                                                Beta Shale, an Oklahoma City based oil and
                                                                                natural gas company who owns 1,000,000
                                                                                shares of PHX Minerals, has reached out to
                                                                                the PHX board of directors to express Beta’s
                                                                                concern with the performance of the company
                                                                                and its proposed future path under the
                                                                                direction of current management.
                                                                                  Beta sent an initial letter on February
                                                                                3, 2023, which was followed by a meeting
                                                                                between Beta’s CEO and the Independent
                                                                                Director of PHX. After the meeting, Beta
                                                                                sent a follow up letter of concern on March 2,
                                                                                  As a significant shareholder of PHX, Beta
                                                                                is voting against the majority of current proxy
                                                                                materials presented by PHX management.
                                                                                BETA SHALE, March 02, 2023

       Week 10   09•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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