Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2023
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Mexico increases imports of US MTBE in 2022

        MEXICO-US        MEXICO increased the amount of methyl  heavily populated cities: Mexico City, Guadala-
                         tert-butyl ether (MTBE), a gasoline additive,  jara and Monterrey.
                         imported from US producers last year, thereby   (Mexico does import finished gasoline with
                         increasing its reliance on its northern neighbour  MTBE already blended. However, it does not
                         for octane enhancement programmes.   include such imports in its MTBE export statis-
                           According to data from Global Trade Tracker  tics calculation, Argus Media said.)
                         (GTT) cited by Argus Media, Mexico took deliv-  While Mexican demand for MTBE is
                         ery of 1.1mn tonnes of US-produced MTBE in  expected to continue to rise in the years ahead,
                         2022, its highest yearly figure recorded since  it will probably consist mostly of neat exports
                         2019. This accounted for 79% of all US exports of  rather than blended product as the country
                         MTBE last year and was far in excess of Mexico’s  boosts domestic gasoline production. Some of
                         2021 MTBE imports of 658,678 tonnes.  this increased demand is likely to be met by a
                           In total, the US exported 1.35mn tonnes of  newly expanded tertiary butyl alcohol plant in
                         MTBE in 2022, up from 978,309 tonnes in 2021.  Channelview, Texas, which will be able to sup-
                         Mexico was easily the main destination for these  port MTBE usage outside Mexico’s main metro-
                         volumes, followed by Chile, which absorbed  politan hubs.
                         229,678 tonnes in 2022, and Singapore, which   MTBE came into wide use within the US as
                         imported 38,694 tonnes, Argus Media said.  an octane booster in the 1970s but was phased
                           MTBE is an oxygenate compound that allows  out during the 2000s in favour of corn-based
                         more complete combustion when blended into  ethanol. However, it continues to be exported to
                         gasoline. Due to its composition, it is appropri-  foreign markets from plants along the US Gulf
                         ate for use in densely populated areas. Currently,  Coast. Major producers include TPC Group,
                         US-produced MTBE is a required blending  LyondellBasell, Indorama, ExxonMobil and
                         component for gasoline in Mexico’s three most  Enterprise Products.™

       Venezuela’s use of imported US naphtha rising

       as shipments of Iranian condensate decline

        VENEZUELA-US     VENEZUELA has become increasingly depend-  Venezuela’s national oil company (NOC) PdVSA
                         ent on naphtha imported from the US as a dilu-  increase crude production. The joint ventures
                         ent for heavy crude oil as condensate shipments  cannot use Iranian condensate because OFAC
                         from have declined, according to a report from  rules bar Chevron from using Iranian materials.
                         Argus Media.                           Representatives of Chevron have confirmed
                           Citing data from the oil analytics firm Vor-  that the company is probably now produc-
                         texa, Argus Media reported on March 2 that the  ing more than 90,000 barrels per day of crude
                         US major Chevron had shipped around 1.57mn  oil in Venezuela. (Independent observers and
                         barrels of naphtha from its Galena Park termi-  in-country sources have put the figure at about
                         nal on the Texas coast to the Venezuelan port of  100,000 bpd.) The US major has said it hopes to
                         Jose. The company was able to start delivering  bring production up to 200,000 bpd by the end
                         naphtha to Venezuela after securing a six-month  of this year.
                         exemption from US sanctions in November.  PdVSA had previously viewed Iranian con-
                           By contrast, a tanker from Iran offloaded  densate as a crucial means of pushing up oil out-
                         about 440,000 barrels of South Pars condensate  put, which has plummeted since the imposition
                         in January. This was the only Iranian condensate  of US sanctions on the hydrocarbon sector in
                         cargo sent to Venezuela so far this year, and it  early 2019. Caracas and Tehran signed a 20-year
                         marked a 78% drop on the 2mn barrels of Ira-  agreement on energy co-operation in June 2022,
                         nian diluent delivered in January 2022.  and the Iranian side sent roughly 8mn barrels
                           Chevron is the only US company that eligi-  of condensate to Venezuela in 2022, spread out
                         ble to operate in Venezuela under the sanctions  over four shipments.
                         regime imposed by the US Treasury Depart-  Venezuela uses both naphtha and condensate
                         ment’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC).  as diluents for the transportation and upgrading
                         Under the exemption granted last November,  of Orinoco extra-heavy crude oil. Most of the
                         known as General Law 41 (GL 41), it is send-  South American country’s petroleum reserves
                         ing naphtha to help its joint ventures with  are very heavy and viscous.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   09•March•2023
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