Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2023
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       SilverBow to operate two rigs

       in 2023, drill for more oil

        TEXAS            SILVERBOW Resources is planning to operate  projecting net production of 295-316mn cubic
                         two drilling rigs throughout 2023, up from an  feet (8.35-8.95mn cubic metres) equivalent per
                         average of 1.5 rigs in 2022. Houston-based Sil-  day, with expected oil volumes of 10,500-11,500
                         verBow is focused on oil and gas production in  barrels per day (bpd). For the whole of 2023, Sil-
                         the Eagle Ford and Austin Chalk formations in  verBow expects to achieve total net production
                         South Texas.                         of 325-345 mmcf, (8.92-9.77 mcm) equivalent,
                           In 2023, the company will also concentrate  with anticipated oil volumes of 13,750-15,000
                         more on liquids than gas production. This is  bpd.
                         based on a number of factors, it said, including   In the fourth quarter of 2022, SilverBow’s oil
                         the “relative strength of oil prices versus natural  and gas revenue increased 31% y/y, driven by
                         gas prices”. There is also limited takeaway capac-  increased production and higher commodity
                         ity for gas from Webb County, Texas, it said.  prices. For the quarter, recorded net income was
                           SilverBow’s 2023 capital budget range is  $173mn with adjusted earnings of $119mn and
                         $450-475mn, around 90% of which is allocated  free cash flow of $2mn.
                         to drilling and completions (D&C).     For the whole of 2022, SilverBow recorded
                           The budget provides for 60 gross, or 52 net,  net income of $340mn, adjusted earnings of
                         operated wells drilled, an increase from 47 gross,  $393mn and free cash flow of $22mn.
                         or 45 net, operated wells drilled in 2022. Around   The company closed four acquisitions during
                         95% of D&C activity in 2023 will be directed  2022, which bolstered its production, reserves
                         towards oil development across the company’s  and progress towards key scale targets, it said.
                         central oil, eastern extension and western con-  Acquisitions and leasing activity in 2022 added
                         densate areas.                       more than 350 gross drilling locations in the
                           The budget will support production growth  Eagle Ford and Austin Chalk formations.
                         of about 25% year on year, funded by cash flows   As of the end of 2022, SilverBow’s total esti-
                         from operations, said SilverBow. Liquids pro-  mated proven reserves were 2.2 trillion cubic feet
                         duction for the whole of 2023 is anticipated to  (62.3bn cubic metres) of gas equivalent, 43% of
                         increase by 100% y/y.                which were proven developed and 77% of which
                           For the first quarter of 2023, the company is  consisted of natural gas.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   09•March•2023
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