Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2023
P. 11

NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       Chevron, Talos more than

       double Texas CCUS project

        TEXAS            CHEVRON, Talos Energy and Carbonvert have  owning 25%. On March 1, Chevron became the
                         more than doubled the size of their carbon cap-  operator of project.
                         ture, utilisation and sequestration (CCUS) pro-  The nascent CCUS market is seen as poten-
                         ject in Texas.                       tially representing a lifeline for companies such
                           The project, Bayou Bend, will now comprise  as Chevron, which face diminishing returns
                         nearly 100,000 acres (404.49 square km) onshore  from oil and gas over the long term against the   Chevron joined
                         in Chambers and Jefferson counties, Texas.  backdrop of the energy transition.
                         Previously, it consisted of 40,000 acres (161.87   “We are excited about Bayou Bend and build-  the Talos-
                         square km) in state waters offshore Beaumont  ing the best regional carbon sequestration hub
                         and Port Arthur, also in Texas.      with the right storage infrastructure adjacent  Carbonvert joint
                           The portion of the project in state waters has  to two major Southeast Texas industrial corri-
                         the only offshore lease in the US dedicated to  dors,” said Talos’ executive vice president for  venture for Bayou
                         CCUS. The price of the purchase has not been  low carbon strategy, Robin Fielder. “Today’s   Bend in May
                         disclosed.                           announcement solidifies Bayou Bend’s position
                           The increased acreage positions Bayou Bend  as Southeast Texas’s leading carbon sequestra-  2022.
                         to be one of the largest CCUS projects in the US.  tion project,” she said.
                         The total acreage now holds a permanent gross   “Delivering CCUS and other lower carbon
                         storage capacity of more than 1bn tonnes, paving  solutions to harder-to-abate industries is fun-
                         the way for Bayou Bend to be a leading carbon  damental to Chevron New Energies’ mission,”
                         transportation and storage facility. The clients  said Chevron New Energies’ vice president of
                         are expected to be industrial emitters located in  CCUS, Chris Powers. “With this expansion,
                         the Houston Ship Channel and Beaumont/Port  Bayou Bend is positioned to offer CCUS solu-
                         Arthur region, one of the largest industrial cor-  tions across a broad region of the Gulf Coast,
                         ridors in the country, said Talos.   from Houston to Orange and into western
                           Chevron joined the Talos-Carbonvert joint  Louisiana.”
                         venture for Bayou Bend in May 2022. The   According to BloombergNEF, in 2022 the
                         super-major holds a 50% equity interest, in  US had a 45% share of the global CCUS market,
                         Bayou Bend, with Talos and Carbonvert each  worth around $2.8bn.™

       Week 10   09•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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