Page 14 - DMEA Week 09 2023
P. 14

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

                                                                                and directors, which illustrates some examples
                                                                                of trade-based money laundering.
                                                                                  The Sentry report calls on global and
                                                                                regional financial institutions to take the
                                                                                necessary measures to identify accounts held
                                                                                or owned by those with business dealings
                                                                                in South Sudan’s oil sector and carry out a
                                                                                comprehensive assessment to identify their
                                                                                broader international networks.
                                                                                  In addition, it recommends that
                                                                                Afreximbank open an investigation into its
                                                                                relationships and transactions with Trinity
       R&D capabilities. It also provides an exciting   A new damning report by the investigative   Energy and the government of South Sudan.
       opportunity to strengthen our relationship   and policy organisation The Sentry has   BNE
       with original equipment manufacturers   flagged possible bribery, tax evasion
       worldwide by extending the reach of Valvoline   and money laundering during the loan   FourQuest Energy acquires
       Global Operations as a preeminent company   procurement and called for an inquiry.
       among multi-national lubricant brands, a   According to the report titled “Crude   UAE-based Caley Energy
       position it has proudly held for over a century   Dealings: How Oil-Backed Loans Raise Red
       and a half.  We look forward to welcoming the   Flags for Illegal Activity in South Sudan” ,   FourQuest Energy Inc. has acquired privately
       Valvoline Global Operations employees and   Trinity Energy ““ which had never before   owned Dubai, UAE-based Caley Energy
       brand, one of the most recognized names in   traded crude ““ nevertheless gained privileged   FZCO. Founded in 2014 by Charlie Topp,
       the industry, into the Aramco family.  At the   access South Sudan’s most valuable resource.  Caley Energy FZCO is a leading provider of
       same time, we expect Aramco’s global network   The Afreximbank loan, to purchase diesel   specialist equipment and personnel to the
       to provide an unmatched foundation for this   and gasoline to sell to the South Sudan   major service providers of the process and
       historic brand’s next chapter of development.”   market, was first agreed upon in 2018 and   pipeline industry throughout the Middle East,
         Sam Mitchell, Valvoline Inc. CEO, said: “It   included a trade finance facility enabling   Africa, and Caspian region.
       is a historic day for our 157-year-old brand.   “the creation of a parallel revenue source and   “We are very pleased to be acquiring Caley
       With the sale of the global products business   avenues for off-book spending that avoid   Energy FZCO as we continue to expand our
       to Aramco, each business can now better   public scrutiny and are vulnerable to capture   services in strategic global markets,”  said
       focus on future growth. Today, Valvoline Inc.   by self-interested individuals and elites,”  The   Nik Grgic, President of FourQuest Energy
       becomes a pure-play, automotive services   Sentry is quoted as saying.   Inc. “Having previously operated in these
       company with a right-sized capital structure   Trinity Energy was awarded more than   markets with many of the same personnel,
       and enhanced capital allocation. Additionally,   40% of crude cargoes contracted by the South   we’re excited to be back providing our
       Valvoline Inc.  expects to offer significant   Sudanese government from June 2018 to May   world-class engineering and industry-leading
       capital returns to our shareholders through   2019, according to the watchdog. It was also   field execution throughout the oil, gas,
       equity buybacks over the next 18 months. All   granted a dominant position in the petroleum   petrochemical, and power industries.”
       this combined allows us to focus our efforts   and diesel import market, which facilitated   Derek Grimley, Director of Caley Energy,
       on and further strengthen our brand as a   its secretive position of fuel to the South   has been appointed the Regional Manager for
       premier auto after-market services provider.”   Sudanese army.           the newly formed Middle East, Africa, and
         The acquisition complements Aramco’s   The Sentry report underlines that   Caspian region of FourQuest Energy, said,
       growing presence in the premium branded   Trinity Energy spent millions of dollars of   “We are very proud to rejoin the FourQuest
       lubricants market space and opens   “facilitation”  and “business acquisition”  costs   Energy team. Our mission within the region
       opportunities to enhance the position of the   for the Afreximbank deal, including $125,000   will be to offer our clients an engineered-
       150+ year-old name globally, providing a   in payments to the government committee   driven, cost-effective solution that will add
       foundation for future growth and downstream   responsible for approving the deal.  value to the clients of our projects.”
       portfolio integration.                 Biswick Kaswaswa, a former Trinity   FOURQUEST
       ARAMCO                              finance director, claims that government
                                           officials received envelopes of cash and other   Kinetiko and FFS Refiners
       Trinity Energy loan raises          employees received earnings far higher than   sign MoU for gas supply
                                           their stated salaries, paid to wipe out a build-
       money laundering, bribery           up of arrears, Ann Kathure Rutere, Trinity’s   Kinetiko Energy Ltd, an Australian gas
                                           executive director at the time of the deal, told
       red flags                           The Sentry.                          explorer and developer focused on advanced
                                              The investigation also shows that the
                                                                                shallow conventional gas and coal bed
       South Sudanese oil marketing company   company “changed millions of US dollars on   methane in South Africa, is pleased to provide
       Trinity Energy Limited, which procured a   the black market, paid fake invoices overseas   the following update on its onshore gas
       controversial $30mn loan from the African   to disguise the black market exchange of   exploration and production development
       Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), is   hundreds of thousands of dollars, and engaged  activities.
       under suspicion of engaging in illicit business   in behaviours indicative of tax fraud.”  It has   The non-binding Memorandum of
       practices and money laundering, Global Trade   also moved money to companies in South   Understanding (MOU) entered into with
       Review reports.                     Sudan and Kenya owned by its shareholders   FFS Refiners Proprietary Limited (FFS)

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