Page 9 - DMEA Week 09 2023
P. 9

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       Kuwait’s Al-Zour ramping up production

        KUWAIT           KUWAIT’S Al-Zour refinery is ramping up  start-up is achieved.
                         towards its 615,000 barrel per day (bpd) capac-  Although most diesel supplies are to be
                         ity this year, potentially plugging a supply gap in  directed towards Europe, exports to other coun-
                         Europe while meeting further demand in Africa  tries in the Americas and Oceania are increasing
                         and Asia.                            too.
                           Kuwait will be reducing crude exports and   Europe lacks around 745,000 bpd of Russian
                         increasing product shipments as it brings the  diesel after introducing its sanctions, according
                         refinery up to full capacity with the start-up of  to estimates, as RBC Capital’s Mike Tran noted.
                         two new crude distillation units (CDUs) later   “Diesel inventories have been tight for much
                         this year, following the launch of its first one last  of the past 18 months, but a slew of refining
                         year.                                capacity additions pushing 2mn bpd is expected
                           The project’s developer, state-owned Kuwait  this year in regions ranging from Mexico to the
                         Integrated Petroleum Industries Co. (KIPIC),  Arab Gulf to North Africa means more refined
                         first began test runs at the giant greenfield facility  product supply,” he added.
                         in June 2022, marking the start of the commis-
                         sioning. This included the start-up of one of the  Shortages in the East
                         refinery’s three 205,000-bpd (CDUs) with the  Furthermore, Al-Zour will be able to export
                         intention of commissioning them fully later that  between 85,000 bpd and 106,000 bpd of very
                         year. The second and third CDUs were to have  low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) once it reaches full
                         been commissioned in October and December;  capacity. This will meet 8% to 10% of monthly
                         however, delays pushed this back until later in  fuel oil demand in Asia, which is short of fin-
                         2023 instead.                        ished 0.5% VLSFO products.
                           Speaking during the Qatar Economic Forum   Refinitiv analyst Emril Jamil said: “We
                         in 2022, Sheikh Nawaf Al-Sabah, CEO at KIPIC’s  anticipate most of Kuwait’s VLSFO will flow to
                         parent firm Kuwait Petroleum Corp. (KPC), said  Singapore, as it is a key maritime hub for fuel
                         that his company had already been receiving  replenishments.”
                         interest from European buyers regarding refined   Asia is also short naphtha, with data from
                         products ahead of Al-Zour’s launch. As the ban  Vortexa and Kpler showing that KPC had
                         on Russian product imports came into view, he  exported 150,000 tonnes of light and full-range
                         said that there was a “tremendously good market  naphtha to countries such as South Korea and
                         for fuel oil, and whether it’s bunker or diesel”.  Japan between November and January from
                         European demand                        Shipments to other destinations such as Tai-
                         Al-Zour will provide multiple products, includ-  wan, Singapore and Thailand have also been ris-
                         ing diesel and jet fuel, naphtha and fuel oil. The  ing, and total exports could increase to 3.5mn
                         diesel the refinery aims to provide will meet  tonnes per year (tpy) at full capacity.
                         European specifications, as the continent is set   KPC aims to provide 176,000 tonnes of naph-
                         to be its biggest buyer. Diesel exports could reach  tha in February from Al Zour, and total monthly
                         up to 143,000 bpd, while jet A-1 has the poten-  exports are set to hit 407,000 tonnes following
                         tial to achieve 97,000 bpd once the refinery’s full  this, according to data provided by Kpler.™

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