Page 6 - DMEA Week 09 2023
P. 6

DMEA                                           COMPANIES                                               DMEA

       Luberef signs deal

       for Yanbu expansion

        SAUDI ARABIA     SAUDI Aramco Base Oil Co. (Luberef) has  expansion of the Yanbu facility, Luberef’s pro-
                         announced the signing of an engineering pro-  duction more than doubled across its two facil-
                         curement and construction (EPC) contract with  ities from 550,000 tpy to 1.2mn tpy. The Group
                         Egypt’s Petrojet for the expansion of its Yanbu  II base oils facility at Yanbu is by far Luberef’s
                         facility.                            largest, with a capacity of 710,000 tpy.
                           The EPC is part of Luberef’s Growth II project   The plant is home to a hydrocracker and
                         which aims to expand the Yanbu facility’s base oil  units for wax isomerisation, hydrogen recovery,
                         production capacity to around 1.3mn tonnes per  sulphur recovery and gas treatment, as well as a
                         year (tpy) by 2025, allowing it to produce more  40,000 barrel per day vacuum distillation unit
                         Group II and Group III base oils to meet growing  (VDU) and a 12,500 bpd propane de-asphalting
                         market demand.                       unit.
                           Tareq Al-Nuaim, president and CEO of   Luberef was formed in 1976 as a 70:30 JV
                         Luberef, said: “We are proud of this agreement  between Aramco and US super-major Exxon-
                         as it allows us to strengthen our production capa-  Mobil, before the US giant sold its 30% stake to
                         bilities and grow in cohesion with shifts in the  Jadwa Industrial Investment Co. in 2007.
                         base oil industry.” He added: “Globally, Group III   Jadwa sold its share in the company in
                         base oil prices have maintained a steep premium  December 2022 when the company was listed
                         in comparison to Group I and Group II prices  on the local Tadawul All Share Index (TASI),
                         over the past year in response to steady supply  the Riyadh stock exchange, raising $1.32bn.
                         and rising demand. Through this project, we  Last week, Luberef reported profits of SAR2bn
                         are proud to enhance our Yanbu facility, process  ($530mn) after tax in 2022, prompting its board
                         more products and support the Kingdom’s eco-  of directors to suggest a 50% cash dividend or
                         nomic growth as a result.”           SAR5 ($1.33) per share corresponding to the sec-
                           Following the 2018 commissioning of a $1bn  ond half of that year.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2023
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