Page 7 - DMEA Week 09 2023
P. 7

DMEA                                          COMPANIES                                               DMEA

       Saipem CEO sees Mozambique

       LNG consortium resuming work

        MOZAMBIQUE       ALESSANDRO Puliti, the CEO of the Italian  renegotiation of certain sections of the Mozam-
                         oilfield services provider (OSP) Saipem, has said  bique LNG contract. This should help “derisk
                         that he expects work on the Mozambique LNG  the initial phase of the project resumption in the
                         project, led by France’s TotalEnergies, to resume  best interest of Saipem and TotalEnergies, prior
                         in July of this year.                to return to the fixed contract for project com-
                           “We expect to gradually restart the project,  pletion,” he commented.
                         according to the information received by our cli-  TotalEnergies had previously planned to
                         ents, starting from July this year,” Puliti informed  launch the Mozambique LNG project in 2024.
                         analysts. He was speaking during Saipem’s 2022  However, it has had to revise its plans in light of
                         earnings call on February 28.        the attacks carried out by Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamo
                           Saipem is the leader of the CCS group, which  (ASWJ), an Islamist militant group with ties to
                         is providing engineering, procurement and con-  Islamic State (Daesh). ASWJ began fighting for
                         struction (EPC) services for the Mozambique  control of Cabo Delgado in 2017, and Mozam-
                         LNG consortium. It has teamed up with McDer-  bique’s government efforts to pacify the province
                         mott International (US) and Chiyoda (Japan) to  had limited success until the Southern African
                         implement €3.5bn ($3.72bn) worth of work on  Development Community (SADC) and the
                         the consortium’s onshore natural gas-processing  government of Rwanda stepped in to carry out
                         facility.                            peacekeeping missions.
                           The $20bn project has been on hold since   The French giant operates the Mozambique
                         April 2021, when TotalEnergies declared force  LNG consortium through its subsidiary Total
                         majeure and withdrew all personnel from its  E&P Mozambique Area 1, which holds a 26.5%
                         onshore site on the Afungi Peninsula after a  stake in the project. The remaining equity in
                         series of attacks by armed separatists. Patrick  the group is split between two Japanese firms,
                         Pouyanne, the CEO of the French major, recently  Mitsui and Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National
                         stated that the company was “not in a hurry”  Corp. (JOGMEC), which have a combined
                         to restart work on its giant Mozambique LNG  stake of 20%; Mozambique’s national oil com-
                         project.                             pany (NOC) ENH, with 15%; Bharat Petro-
                           Pouyanne was speaking during a recent visit  leum (India), with 10%; ONGC Videsh Ltd
                         to Mozambique’s northern Cabo Delgado Prov-  (OVL) (India), with 10%; Beas Rovuma Energy
                         ince, where he announced that Jean-Christophe  Mozambique (a 60:40 joint venture between
                         Rufin, a humanitarian and human rights expert,  OVL and Oil India Ltd, or OIL), with 10%; and
                         had been tasked with leading an independent  PTTEP (Thailand), with 8.5%.
                         mission to evaluate conditions in Cabo Delgado.   TotalEnergies and its partners aim to extract
                         The CEO also said he would wait for the report  gas from Area 1, which lies offshore Mozam-
                         before to making any decisions about restart-  bique in the Rovuma basin. They will process
                         ing work, but he also stated that TotalEnergies  the gas at the LNG plant and onshore complex
                         intended to would hold discussions with its con-  on the Afungi Peninsula. This facility will even-
                         tractors regarding costs.            tually have two gas liquefaction trains, each
                           Puliti, for his part, said on February 28 that  with a capacity of 6.44mn tonnes per year (tpy),
                         Saipem had already worked out an agreement  and will use a dedicated fleet of LNG carriers to
                         in principle with the French major on the  export its production.™

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