Page 10 - DMEA Week 09 2023
P. 10

DMEA                                   TERMINALS & SHIPPING                                            DMEA

       Russian crude oil unsold in Ghana

        GHANA            WESTERN sanctions have forced Russia to send  and subsequent block on product purchases.
                         its oil to Ghana for storage after existing pools of   Measures put in place have made Chinese
                         buyers shrink. On February 24, the St Kitts and  and Indian buyers a top priority for Moscow as
                         Nevis-flagged Theseus arrived in Tema from a  Russia faces a worsening a budget deficit after
                         port in the Black Sea carrying 600,000 barrels of  recording a nearly 50% drop in January. Russia
                         Russian crude.                       has since sold large volumes of discounted oil to
                           This was due to be pumped into storage  China, as of this month selling the most crude
                         tanks at the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR), marking  and fuel oil to China since the conflict in Ukraine
                         the first time Russian oil has been delivered to  began. Product sales have also increased across
                         a West African country since 2018, and poten-  Latin America. Despite this, however, purchases
                         tially a major update for TOR, which has been  from these countries alone are not enough for
                         dormant since it exhausted its feedstock supply  Russia to compensate for lost markets. Russian
                         in mid-2018. Upon approaching Ghana the  Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said
                         CEO of Ghana’s National Petroleum Authority  mid-February that starting in March: “Russia’s
                         (NPA) said the tanker would be blocked if it  oil production would be reduced by 500,000
                         was found to be heading into the country’s ter-  barrels per day (bpd), or about 5%.”
                         ritorial waters. However, the NPA neglected to   With Europe having been the largest market
                         respond to requests for comment after Theseus  for Russia’s energy sector, the nation’s pool of
                         proceeded to dock in Ghana nonetheless.  buyers has narrowed significantly, forcing deliv-
                           It is not known whether Theseus has  ery costs up. This in turn has meant that Russia
                         offloaded its cargo, but as at time of going to press  has had to discount the fuel at the point of export
                         it remained moored off Tema.         to compensate. Russian President Vladimir
                           The move comes as traders scramble to  Putin has criticised the sanctions and vowed to
                         find new buyers for the oil since the European  “slash oil exports by 25%” to push prices up for
                         Union’s ban on Russian imports in December  the West.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2023
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