Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 21 2022
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NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       Transocean holds naming ceremony for

       Deepwater Atlas drillship in Singapore

        GLOBAL           TRANSOCEAN recently held a naming cere-  Transocean ordered the two drillships from
                         mony for its Deepwater Atlas drillship in Singa-  Jurong in 2014 and they were initially scheduled
                         pore. The company posted about the ceremony  for delivery in 2017 and 2018, but ran into several
                         on LinkedIn this week, noting that the Deepwa-  delays in the subsequent years. Most recently, it
                         ter Atlas was the world’s first eight-generation  was agreed that the first of the two drillships
                         drillship.                           would be delivered in December 2021, with the
                           The Deepwater Atlas is one of two newbuild  second following in May 2022.
                         eight-generation drillships – along with the Deep-  Both rigs are due to be deployed in the US
       Both of Transocean’s   water Titan – built by Sembcorp Marine’s Jurong  Gulf of Mexico once they are ready to enter ser-
       new drillships are set to   Shipyard. The rigs are equipped to handle pres-  vice. The Deepwater Atlas has been contracted
       be deployed in the US   sures of 20,000 psi and 3mn pound (1,360-tonne)  to Beacon Offshore Energy for its high-pressure,
       Gulf of Mexico.   hookloads – both representing industry firsts.  high-temperature (HP/HT) Shenandoah devel-
                           In a video also posted to LinkedIn this week,  opment. That work had been due to begin in the
                         Transocean’s CEO, Jeremy Thigpen, said the two  third quarter of 2022 but according to Transo-
                         rigs had “all kinds of bells and whistles that the  cean’s April fleet status report, it has been pushed
                         industry’s never seen” that were going to enable  back to the fourth quarter.
                         the company to access previously inaccessible   Meanwhile, the Deepwater Titan has been
                         oil reservoirs. Also speaking in the video, Trans-  contracted to Chevron for work in the Gulf.
                         ocean’s president and chief operating officer,  Transocean said, also in a LinkedIn post around
                         Keelan Adamson, added that the features on  three months ago, that drydocking of the Deep-
                         the rigs would result in a reduction in the time  water Titan had been completed. That rig is due
                         required to drill deepwater wells, thus helping to  to begin operations in the first quarter of 2023,
                         bring down total offshore well costs.  according to the latest fleet status report.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Sempra advances CCS project at Cameron LNG

        LOUISIANA        SEMPRA has announced this week that its sub-  sources, and our goal is for this facility to set the
                         sidiary Sempra Infrastructure had signed a par-  gold standard for safe and permanent CO2 stor-
                         ticipation agreement with TotalEnergies, Mitsui  age,” said Sempra Infrastructure’s CEO, Justin Bird.
                         & Co. and Mitsubishi to develop the proposed   The Gulf Coast has seen increased interest
                         Hackberry Carbon Sequestration (HCS) project  from companies seeking to decarbonise their
                         in south-western Louisiana. The carbon capture  operations through carbon sequestration. Also
                         and storage (CCS) project is designed to address  this week, Talos Energy and Carbonvert finalised
                         emissions from the existing Cameron LNG  the expansion of their joint venture for the devel-
                         export terminal as well as its planned expansion.  opment of an offshore CCS project on the Texas
                           Last year, the developers of the HCS project  coast to include Chevron.
                         submitted an application for a Class VI injection   For Sempra, the tentative HCS participa-
                         well permit from the US Environmental Protec-  tion deal marks the most recent in a string of
                         tion Agency (EPA) for permanent storage of up  developments around its LNG business. Ear-
                         to 2mn tonnes per year (tpy) of carbon dioxide  lier this month, the company signed a heads of
                         (CO2). However, the HCS could be expanded  agreement (HoA) with Poland’s PGNiG, poten-
                         to include three injection wells, giving it the  tially paving the way to finalise 20-year offtake
                         eventual capability to store about 89mn tonnes  agreements for 2mn tpy from the Cameron
                         of CO2. Sempra said the project could reduce  LNG Phase 2 expansion and 1mn tpy from the
                         Cameron LNG’s Scope 1 direct emissions by  proposed Port Arthur LNG export terminal in
                         about 15%.                          Texas. (See NorthAmOil Week 20)
                           Sempra views the HCS project as a starting   Sempra also signed an HoA last month with
                         point for its push into net-zero solutions.   Cameron LNG partners TotalEnergies, Mitsui
                           “This project is expected to be among the  and Japan LNG Investment to develop a fourth
                         first North American carbon capture facilities  liquefaction train at the facility under the Phase
                         designed to receive and store CO2 from multiple  2 expansion.™

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