Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 21 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       Texas and in our other areas of operation,”   in tandem with existing Leak Detection &   MOVES
       EnLink chairman and CEO Barry E. Davis   Repair (LDAR) testing methods to improve
       said. “This transaction is consistent with   the accuracy of reporting and increase   Surge Energy America
       our strategy to execute tuck-in acquisitions   productivity by enabling users to find
       adjacent to our existing footprints through   production losses faster.  announces Fitch first-time
       which we can generate significant synergies   “The Emissions Control and Reduction
       and integrate seamlessly without incremental   Initiative expands on Honeywell’s wide range   credit rating and stable
       resources. In addition, EnLink has a proven   of ready-now technologies that are helping
       strategy of redeploying underutilised assets   our customers meet their sustainability goals,”   outlook
       to areas of high growth, thus reducing capital   said Ujjwal Kumar, president of Honeywell
       expenditures and achieving significantly   Process Solutions. “With our pedigree in gas   Surge Energy US Holdings announces Fitch
       better economics than through new build   detection and breadth of solutions, Honeywell   Ratings has assigned a first-time ‘B’ Long-
       projects, and, when completed, we expect   is providing customers with a holistic and   Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) with a
       this acquisition to bring a robust set of   proactive approach to emission reduction that   stable rating outlook to Moss Creek Resources
       opportunities for our team to do just that.   they’ve never had before.”  Holdings, Inc. and Moss Creek Resources,
       The resulting capital avoidance, coupled   Honeywell recently announced a new   LLC, subsidiaries of Surge Energy.
       with the assets’ robust cash flow profile,   set of commitments that further advance its   “We believe this rating initiation by Fitch
       is expected to result in a leverage neutral   sustainability goals beyond the company’s   demonstrates the quality of our assets, our
       transaction, preserving our balanced capital   existing commitment to become carbon   strong track record as an operator, and
       allocation plan, including the return of capital   neutral in its facilities and operations by   our commitment to a disciplined financial
       to common unitholders, and our ability to   2035. The new pledges include a commitment   strategy,” stated chief financial officer James
       execute EnLink’s other growth strategies, such   to develop a science-based target with the   Welch.
       as building our Carbon Solutions business.”  Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) that   SURGE ENERGY US HOLDINGS, May 26, 2022
       ENLINK MIDSTREAM, May 25, 2022      includes scope 3 emissions and participation
                                           in the US Department of Energy’s Better
                                           Climate Challenge. These initiatives represent   ENERGY TRANSITION
       SERVICES                            a continuation of the company’s sustainability
                                           efforts since 2004, which have already driven   Chevron, Talos and Carbonvert announce
       Honeywell introduces                a more than 90% reduction in the greenhouse   closing of previously announced joint venture
                                                                                expansion of the Bayou Bend CCS project
                                           gas intensity of its operations and facilities.
       Emissions Control &                 The company also supports the Paris Climate   offshore Jefferson County, Texas
                                                                                  Chevron USA, through its Chevron New
       Reduction Initiative                will be available to customers in Q4 2022.  Energies division, Talos Energy, through its
                                              Honeywell’s methane detection capability
                                                                                Talos Low Carbon Solutions division, and
       to support customers’               HONEYWELL, May 24, 2022              Carbonvert announced today the execution
                                                                                of definitive documentation and closing of
       sustainability goals                US Well Services                     the expanded joint venture to develop the
                                                                                Bayou Bend CCS offshore carbon capture
       Honeywell today announced an Emissions   announces contract for          and sequestration (CCS) hub, effective May
       Control & Reduction Initiative designed to                               1, 2022.
       help customers achieve carbon neutrality in a   newbuild Nyx Clean Fleet   Under the terms of the transaction,
       wide range of areas. The initiative will initially                       Chevron has acquired a 50% stake in the
       focus on helping oil and gas customers with   US Well Services today announced it has   expanded Bayou Bend CCS joint venture for
       upstream, midstream and downstream   finalised a contract with one of the largest   gross consideration of $50mn to Talos and
       operations to monitor and reduce fugitive   E&P producers in the United States to provide   Carbonvert, consisting of $30mn of gross
       methane emissions, which are more than 25   electric pressure pumping services. Under the   upfront cash and up to $20mn of gross capital
       times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping   terms of the agreement, USWS will dedicate   cost reimbursement, expected to cover Talos
       heat in the atmosphere according to the   a newbuild Nyx Clean Fleet to support the   and Carbonvert capital expenditures through
       Environmental Protection Agency.    customer’s development program in Texas for   the project’s final investment decision (“FID”).
         By combining its portfolio of fixed,   an initial term of 18 months beginning early   Equity interests in the joint venture are now
       portable and personal gas detection solutions   in the third quarter of 2022.  25 percent Talos, 25 percent Carbonvert, and
       with gas cloud imaging cameras, Honeywell   “With the execution of this agreement, all   50 percent Chevron, and Talos is the operator.
       will provide customers with early detection   four of US Well Services’ newbuild Nyx Clean   The three companies have also established
       of fugitive methane emissions, including the   Fleets are contracted to high quality E&P   an area of mutual interest (AMI) over the
       precise location of any leaks and associated   customers,” said Kyle O’Neill, the company’s   full ~231,000-acre Jefferson County offshore
       data analytics and trends. Equipped with   president and CEO. “This latest agreement is   region contemplated in the State of Texas’s
       this data, users can act quickly to address   further evidence of the strength of demand   original request for proposal, aligning the
       leaks and other identified risks to minimise   for electric pressure pumping fleets. We are   parties for future expansion opportunities.
       production losses and maintain compliance   excited to put this fleet to work and deliver   CHEVRON USA, TALOS ENERGY AND
       with legislation.                   best-in-class emissions, fuel cost savings and   CARBONVERT, May 24, 2022
         The solution – which combines wireless   HSE benefits to our customer.”
       gas detector technology with enterprise-  US WELL SERVICES, May 24, 2022
       wide data management solutions – works

       Week 21   26•May•2022                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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