Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 21 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden administration to propose new federal

       offshore development plan by June 30

        US               US Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland has  companies for not ramping up activity on their
                         confirmed that a new five-year plan for federal  existing leases.
                         offshore oil and gas development would be pro-  During a Senate Committee on Energy and
                         posed by June 30, the expiry date for the current  Natural Resources hearing last week, Haaland
                         plan. Haaland also stated that after a draft of the  also came under criticism from West Virginia
                         proposal was unveiled, there would be a period  Democrat Joe Manchin for the DoI’s limited
                         for public comment. According to the Depart-  offering of new oil and gas leases on federal land
                         ment of the Interior’s (DoI) timeline, the plan  and in federal waters.
                         could be finalised by November 30.     The DoI is bound by law to produce a five-
                           The news comes amid mounting pressure  year schedule for offshore oil and gas auctions.
                         from Republican lawmakers, who have called for  Earlier this month, the Biden administration
                         an increase in domestic oil production to com-  shelved the final three planned federal sales
                         bat rising fuel prices. However, US President Joe  scheduled under the current plan for the US Gulf
                         Biden has pushed back, saying that he wants to  of Mexico and Alaska. Until a final programme is
                         reform the federal oil and gas programme to take  put in place, the DoI cannot hold any lease sales.
                         its climate impact into account.       Some Republican lawmakers have expressed
                           The debate between lawmakers from both  concern that a lengthy debate could extend the
                         parties is playing out against the backdrop of  process by another 2-3 years before a final deci-
                         Russia’s war against Ukraine, which has further  sion is made.
                         pushed up oil and gas prices and put energy   The last federal auction in the Gulf was held
                         security in the spotlight. Republicans have  in November. However, a court order later
                         accused the Biden administration of holding  annulled the sale on the grounds that the admin-
                         back production on federal land and in fed-  istration had failed to properly account for its
                         eral waters, while Democrats have blamed oil  climate impact.™
                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Venture Global takes FID on Plaquemines LNG

        LOUISIANA        US-BASED Venture Global LNG has made a  financing to close globally in 2022 to date – fully
                         final investment decision (FID) and closed the  funded the balance of construction and commis-
                         project financing for the first phase of its planned  sioning of this first phase.
                         Plaquemines LNG export terminal on Louisi-  “Plaquemines will build on the success of
                         ana’s Gulf Coast.                    Calcasieu Pass, which broke global records for
                           The FID is the first on a Gulf Coast LNG pro-  speed and execution,” stated Venture Global’s
                         ject to be announced since Venture Global sanc-  CEO, Mike Sabel. “The project has attracted
                         tioned its first terminal in Louisiana, Calcasieu  robust financial and commercial support,
                         Pass LNG, in 2019. That project came online ear-  which has enabled us to formally sanction
                         lier this year, 29 months after FID, in what the  this project at a critical moment for energy
                         company says was record time for a large-scale,  markets.”
                         greenfield LNG facility. Venture Global will now   The company has lined up a series of offtake
                         seek to replicate this at Plaquemines, which will  agreements covering 80% of Plaquemines’ full
                         use the same modular design as Calcasieu Pass,  capacity. Venture Global noted that Phase One
                         but will be double the size, at a capacity of 20mn  customers include PGNiG, Sinopec, China
                         tonnes per year compared with 10mn tpy at Cal-  National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), Shell
                         casieu Pass.                         and EDF. Customers for Phase Two announced
                           Analysts had previously estimated that  to date include ExxonMobil, Petronas and New
                         Plaquemines LNG could cost around $9bn to  Fortress Energy – with those deals finalised since
                         build. However, Venture Global said this week  mid-March as interest in US LNG has ramped
                         that the financing it had just closed for the ini-  up.
                         tial phase of the project came to $13.2bn. The   Venture Global added that it was now
                         first phase includes an “upsized” 13.33mn tpy  actively seeking offtakers for its third planned
                         of capacity and the associated Gator Express  Louisiana LNG terminal, CP2, having already
                         pipeline. The company said the proceeds of the  struck deals with ExxonMobil and New Fortress
                         debt and equity financing – the largest project  for this project.™

       Week 21   26•May•2022                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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