Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Cheniere unveils long-

       term growth plans

       US LNG producer Cheniere Energy has unveiled long-

       term plans to expand its liquefaction capacity while

       also raising its financial guidance for 2022

        US GULF COAST    THE US’ leading LNG producer, Cheniere  generating more than $20bn of available cash by
                         Energy, has unveiled its long-term plans for capi-  2026 and achieving over $20 per share of run-
       WHAT:             tal allocation and capacity growth. The company  rate distributable cash flow.
       Cheniere has raised   cited its strong performance over the past year,   Cheniere said that it was making progress on
       its financial guidance   including achieving an initial $4bn debt reduc-  the goals set out in its previous capital allocation
       for this year and also   tion target, as factors behind higher financial  plan, unveiled a year ago, “significantly” ahead
       released details of its   guidance for the current year and more ambi-  of schedule. The company said it had repaid or
       long-term production   tious plans as it looks ahead to the coming years.  redeemed over $4bn of long-term indebted-
       growth plans.       In addition, Cheniere provided some new  ness, repurchased more than $600mn of shares,
                         details relating to its long-term plans to raise  initiated and paid $1.32 per common share in
       WHY:              its liquefaction capacity. The company cur-  dividends as of the second quarter of 2022 and
       The company anticipates   rently has 45mn tonnes per year (tpy) of capac-  reached a final investment decision (FID) on the
       that global LNG demand   ity in operation. The Corpus Christi Stage 3  Corpus Christi Stage 3 expansion project.
       will continue rising over   expansion project, which is now going to add   Given this progress and its “continued out-
       the long term.    more capacity than previously reported, will  performance”, Cheniere said it had now reached
                         ultimately bring this figure to 60mn tpy. Sub-  a new cash flow inflection point. It expects its
       WHAT NEXT:        sequently, under new plans unveiled on Sep-  future cash flow, as well as completion of Cor-
       Under its capital   tember 12, Cheniere could increase its total  pus Christi Stage 3, to help enable it to further
       allocation plan, Cheniere   liquefaction capacity to up to 90mn tpy.  execute on its balance sheet, capital return and
       expects to generate more   The company says it already has the sec-  growth priorities.
       than $20bn of available   ond-largest liquefaction globally and wants to   The company also said it was raising its 2022
       cash by 2026.     extend its dominance further still.  financial guidance by around $1.2bn – both
                                                              for earnings and for distributable cash flow.
                         Capital allocation                   It now anticipates its consolidated, adjusted
                         Under the capital allocation plan, which the  earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation
                         company dubbed its ‘20/20 Vision’, it anticipates  and amortisation (EBITDA) for 2022 to reach

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   15•September•2022
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