Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            August 19 strip pricing. Of the CAD58.3mn   “Though this acquisition was on the
                                           closing transaction price, the company   smaller side of our capabilities, it has
       Kiwetinohk closes Montney           estimates acquired facility and undeveloped   huge strategic value to Bob and his team,”
                                           land value of approximately CAD30-45mn
                                                                                continued Bass. “This demonstrates our
       consolidation                       based on facility replacement value and recent   alignment with his firm.”
                                           comparable land transactions.
                                                                                SILVERSTONE ENERGY PARTNERS, September
       Kiwetinohk Energy today announced   KIWETINOHK ENERGY, September 15, 2022  14, 2022
       the closing of its Placid Montney asset
       consolidation for an adjusted closing price   Silverstone Energy Partners  SilverBow Resources
       of CAD58.3mn. Kiwetinohk announced the
       deal on August 24, 2022, and posted a news   announces $5.5mn VPP        announces new dry gas
       release and updated corporate presentation
       on September 14, 2022, providing detailed   financing for Craton’s       position in the Dorado play
       consolidated pro-forma highlights.
         As stated in the news release on September   acquisition of East Texas   of Webb County
       14, the Montney acquisition increases the
       company’s working interest in the Placid area,   producing properties    SilverBow Resources today announced the
       adding 1,200 boepd of current production,                                addition of a new acreage block in the Dorado
       30 mmcf per day of natural gas and 1,750   Silverstone Energy Partners provided a   play of Webb County, Texas. Through a series
       bpd of condensate plant processing capacity,   volumetric production payment financing   of transactions, including bolt-on acquisitions,
       35.2 net sections of land (approximately   (VPP) to fund the acquisition of East Texas   leasing and drill-to-earn agreements, the
       60% undeveloped) and 42.2 net Montney   gas properties by Craton Oil & Gas. Craton   Company has assembled 7,500 net acres with
       locations. At a consolidated asset level, the   is a private, Houston-based E&P led by   current net production of approximately
       company expects Placid area production to   successful industry veteran Bob Marin.  30mn cubic feet per day. Consideration
       plateau between 11,500 to 13,000 boepd, at   Marshall Lynn Bass, Managing Director of   for SilverBow’s new Dorado position has
       which time asset level cash flow is expected   Silverstone, said: “We are excited to provide   totalled approximately $50mn, representing
       to be approximately CAD145-180mn, based   Craton with capital to acquire and develop   a combination of leasing, acquisition and
       on August 19 strip pricing. An estimated   this conventional property. We expect this is   drilling capital. Approximately $40mn of the
       CAD160mn of capital is required to reach   the first of many for Craton as we have high   total was incurred during the third quarter of
       plateau production from current pro-forma   confidence in their ability to skillfully operate   2022.
       production of 8,200 boepd, then requiring   and grow production.”        SILVERBOW RESOURCES, September 15, 2022
       approximately CAD70-85mn of capital per   Bob Marin, founder of Craton, added, “We
       year to sustain plateau production rates   continue to evaluate additional acquisitions in
       and to deliver asset level free cash flow of   East Texas and beyond. We are pleased with   SERVICES
       CAD75-95mn (and not the CAD100-125mn   the support Silverstone has provided our team
       disclosed in our September 14 news release   and know they are aligned with us to achieve   TGS announces Amendment
       which was provided in error), based on   growth through additional acquisitions.”
                                                                                Phase 2 in the US Gulf of


                                                                                TGS, a global provider of energy data and
                                                                                intelligence, today announced Amendment
                                                                                Phase II, a continuation of its ultra-long offset
                                                                                ocean-bottom node (OBN) acquisition in the
                                                                                US Gulf of Mexico. This project extends the
                                                                                first phase of the survey that was acquired to
                                                                                the east in 2018.
                                                                                  The 151 OCS block survey will begin
                                                                                in December 2022 and is expected to be
                                                                                completed during the first quarter of 2023.
                                                                                Key to this project is the uplift this data will
                                                                                bring to full-waveform inversion (FWI)
                                                                                velocity model building. The results from this
                                                                                data following processing are expected in Q4
                                                                                2023. On completion of this project, TGS will
                                                                                have built a library of over 550 OCS blocks
                                                                                of ultra-long off-set data in the US Gulf of
                                                                                Mexico over the past four years.
                                                                                  Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS,
                                                                                commented: “Following the passing of the
                                                                                Inflation Reduction Act, there is a clear

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