Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                microturbine in the future when needed.
                                                                                  “The producer is committed to using
                                                                                clean power at its wellsites,” said Sam
                                                                                Henry, president of Horizon Power Systems.
                                                                                “Capstone microturbines are much easier
                                                                                and less costly than reciprocating engines to
                                                                                maintain. The producer won’t spend money
                                                                                on oil, diesel fuel, parts, and employee time
                                                                                each month to maintain the engine. Instead,
                                                                                the lower maintenance costs of microturbines
                                                                                can increase the gas producer’s bottom line.”
                                                                                  “Overall, oil and natural gas prices remain
       roadmap for future license rounds and   Capstone Green Energy to         elevated due to a relatively constructive
       increased activity in the Gulf of Mexico. As                             demand picture, supply uncertainty and
       a result, TGS feels this is an ideal time to   provide five microturbines   the geopolitical premium from Russia’s
       continue investing in ultra-long offset node                             invasion of Ukraine,” said Darren Jamison,
       data to support industry needs in this highly   to Colorado natural gas   chief executive officer of Capstone Green
       prospective area.”                                                       Energy. “These elevated prices and pressure
         The data acquisition will be conducted by   producer as US energy      to decarbonise the oil and gas industry
       Magseis Fairfield as a contractor to TGS.                                are leading to more opportunities for our
         This project is supported by industry   market heats up                innovative low emission products,” concluded
       funding.                                                                 Jamison.
       TGS, September 12, 2022             Capstone Green Energy, a global leader in   CAPSTONE GREEN ENERGY, September 12,
                                           carbon reduction and on-site resilient green   2022
       WhiteHawk Capital Partners          energy solutions, announced that Horizon
                                           Power Systems, the company’s exclusive
       provides $55mn credit               distributor for the Rocky Mountains in the   MOVES
                                           US and Western Canada, has secured an
       facility to CherCo                  order for five Capstone C65 microturbines to   Topaz announces strategic
                                           be installed at a remote natural gas wellsite
       WhiteHawk Capital Partners, a private credit   in northwestern Colorado. The customer is   acquisition of Clearwater
       investment manager focused on asset-based   a natural gas producer operating in one of
       financing solutions, announced it has entered   the largest natural gas basins in the US. The   royalty assets and 7%
       into an agreement with CherCo, to provide   system is expected to be commissioned and
       a $55mn asset-based credit facility. CherCo   operational in late 2022.  dividend increase
       will use the proceeds of the financing for   Fuelled by high-pressure natural gas
       acquisitions of assets and service contracts,   (HPNG) produced on-site, the system will   Topaz Energy is pleased to announce that in
       and to provide ongoing liquidity to execute on   provide power to a saltwater disposal (SWD)   continuing with its profitable and accretive
       growth plans.                       facility at the wellsite. The microturbines will   acquisition growth strategy, it has entered
         CherCo is an energy infrastructure   operate in dual mode, seamlessly transitioning   into definitive agreements with Deltastream
       company focused on contract compression   from continuous power to standby when   Energy, a privately held pure-play Clearwater
       services serving midstream and upstream   needed.                        Canadian oil producer, for the purchase of
       operators in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana   Rather than overhaul an old diesel-fuelled   a newly created 5% gross overriding royalty
       and New Mexico. The use of this facility   reciprocating engine that emitted high levels   on all current and future oil production
       is intended to allow CherCo to expand its   of greenhouse gases, the producer turned to   from Deltastream’s entire Clearwater acreage
       contract compression services in the regions   Capstone’s microturbine technology. In this   in Alberta, for total cash consideration of
       it services.                        extremely remote and challenging high-  CAD265.3mn.
         “WhiteHawk has been a creative and   altitude environment, the microturbines will   The royalty lands represent one of the
       value-add financing partner that enables the   provide very high reliability, withstand harsh   largest unencumbered asset bases in the
       Company to seek to become a regional market  weather conditions, and require minimal   Clearwater. The strategic acquisition will be
       leader for contract compression services from   maintenance compared to traditional   funded through Topaz’s existing credit facility
       50 to 1775 horsepower,” said Chet Erwin,   reciprocating engines.        and is expected to close on September 29,
       CEO of CherCo.                         Choosing Capstone met another key   2022, subject to satisfaction of customary
         “We believe CherCo management is well   customer requirement: low emissions. As   closing conditions. In light of the strategic
       positioned to execute in an attractive contract   the first state in the US to require oil and   acquisition, Topaz is pleased to announce
       gas compression market with an excellent fleet   gas producers to reduce methane emissions,   a 7% increase to the company’s quarterly
       of assets that are in high demand,” said Rob   Colorado has implemented strict standards,   dividend which represents the fifth dividend
       Chimenti, WhiteHawk managing director.  which the Capstone microturbines exceed.   increase to date (50% on a cumulative basis)
       WHITEHAWK CAPITAL PARTNERS, September   For added flexibility, Horizon Power Systems   and provides a current dividend yield of 6%.
       14, 2022                            is fabricating a skid that will make it easy to   TOPAZ ENERGY, September 12, 2022
                                           transport the system to other wellsites. The
                                           skid will be able to accommodate another

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   15•September•2022
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