Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Tamarack Valley to become largest Clearwater

       producer with Deltastream acquisition

        ALBERTA          TAMARACK  Valley Energy has agreed to  current crude prices. The asset-level free funds
                         acquire privately held Deltastream Energy for  flow breakeven point for the properties is esti-
                         CAD1.43bn ($1.07bn). The acquisition will  mated at below $32 per barrel of West Texas
                         make Tamarack the largest producer in North-  Intermediate (WTI).
                         ern Alberta’s Clearwater heavy oil play, where   Tamarack also expects to benefit from syner-
                         activity has been booming.           gies achieved through increased scale and exist-
                           In a statement, Tamarack said the purchase  ing infrastructure at its Nipisi operations.
                         price would consist of CAD825mn ($622mn)   “The acquisition of Deltastream solidifies
                         in cash, CAD300mn ($226mn) in the form of  Tamarack as the largest producer in the Clearwa-
                         a deferred acquisition payment and a further  ter oil fairway,” stated Tamarack’s president and
                         CAD300mn of equity comprised. The equity  CEO, Brian Schmidt. “This transaction builds on
                         portion consists of around 80mn Tamarack  the company’s core position in the Clearwater,
                         common shares at a price of CAD3.75 ($2.83)  which is recognised as North America’s most
                         per share.                           economic play. Deltastream brings scale and a
                           Deltastream’s assets include average Clear-  leading economic development drilling inven-
                         water production of around 23,000 barrels of  tory, comprised of high-quality, long-life assets
                         oil equivalent per day (boepd) anticipated for  with low sustaining capital requirements that
                         2023, with oil and natural gas liquids (NGLs)  enhance capital allocation flexibility.”
                         accounting for 94%. Also included are over 500   Tamarack has been actively building up
                         net future development locations, across 184 net  its asset base in the Clearwater, and closed its
                         sections of land adjacent to Tamarack’s core Nip-  CAD93mn ($70mn) acquisition of privately
                         isi and Marten Hills assets.         owned Rolling Hills Energy in June. Following
                           The company said Clearwater ranks as the  the closing of the Deltastream deal, Tamarack
                         most economic play in North America, with  expects to achieve average production of 68,000-
                         wells that pay out in less than six months at  72,000 boepd in 2023.™

      Crestwood to make Marcellus midstream exit

        WEST VIRGINIA    CRESTWOOD Equity Partners has agreed to  our balance sheet and improve financial flexi-
                         sell its gas-gathering and compression assets  bility for unit repurchases and higher returning
                         in the Marcellus shale to Antero Midstream  investment opportunities in our core areas,”
                         for $205mn in cash. The transaction represents  stated Crestwood’s founder, chairman and CEO,
                         Crestwood’s exit from the region as the company  Robert Phillips. “Over the past 18 months, Crest-
                         focuses on becoming a leading midstream oper-  wood has strategically enhanced its asset portfo-
                         ator in the Williston, Delaware and Powder River  lio to build competitive scale in its core basins,
                         basins. Crestwood noted that the assets, in West  and as we focus on optimising and integrating
                         Virginia’s Doddridge and Harrison Counties,  the Oasis Midstream, Sendero Midstream and
                         consisted of a legacy system that was acquired  CPJV acquisitions, today’s announcement high-
                         in 2012. In recent years, the system has been  lights our confidence in the portfolio achieving
                         affected by Crestwood’s anchor producer focus-  our long-term leverage ratio target of sub 3.5x
                         ing development activity on the rich gas window  in 2023 and demonstrates our commitment to
                         of the South-West Marcellus shale. As a result,  generating accretive unitholder returns and
                         the company said, its assets had been in natural  solidifying our financial flexibility for the future,”
                         field decline since 2017, as well as being non-core  Phillips added.
                         to its long-term growth strategy.      For Antero, meanwhile, the acquisition is
                           Crestwood intends to use the proceeds from  expected to add nearly 425 undeveloped drill-
                         the sale to boost its financial flexibility through  ing locations, as well as increase its compression
                         a combination of debt reduction and share  capacity by 20% and its gathering pipeline mile-
                         repurchases.                         age by 15%.
                           “This timely and market-based divestiture   “The acquisition is consistent with Antero
                         is another strategic transaction that highlights  Midstream’s strategy of investing in infrastruc-
                         Crestwood’s long-term commitment to maxim-  ture in the Marcellus, the lowest-cost shale play,
                         ising unitholder value through portfolio opti-  for high visibility customers, particularly Antero
                         misation and redeployment of proceeds from  Resources,” stated Antero’s chairman and CEO,
                         legacy non-core assets to further strengthen  Paul Rady.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   15•September•2022
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